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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Arizona Biltmore and Trekkie tid-bit

    I had a meeting yesterday at the Arizoan Biltmore Resort and Spa. It's a pretty cool historic property. Our room overlooked Marilyn Monroe's favorite pool. The weather was perfect and we spent every night outside by the fire pits. BTW they have an excellent Scotch List and I only got through five of them. The dining was fabulous and I thought I'd share some pictures and a bit of Star Trek trivia for those of you I know would appreciate it. Some of the photos are dark because I didn't want to bother the other guests.

    The resort opened in 1929 and was a favorite of many celebs and tycoons. It was owned by the Wrigley family and their mansion is nearby. Both were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

    Here is a birds eye view of the lobby.

    And me wearing my new RL hand knit hose by a FLW Stained glass piece. They are everywhere.

    Even though I used to watch it I'm in no way an authority on Star Trek. This is the Aztec room where the Wrigleys used to host first run movies. It is a round theater and of course had a bar. We had dinner here last night. It was dark and I apologize for the photo quality. Gene Rodenberry attended one such premier. This is where he got the inspiration for his design of the Klingon Battle Cruiser.

    Here's a corrected picture of the outside (it was very dark)

    Here is an slightly corrected interior ceiling shot.

    And a detail shot

    I just thought it was cool bit of history that I know some of you would like. O'Neille

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That's a cool bit-o-history, great pics.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I REALLY like the look of the Clark tartan with the red hose flashes. Something about the "matching by contrast" that I really appreciate. I've got a pair of red flashes, perhaps it's time to just wear them with whatever tartan I please.

  4. #4
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    Hey, thanks O'Neille, the Biltmore is one of my old haunts. Been to lots of conferences there. A former girlfriend used to be a massage therapist there and would invite me out for massage. Back in the late 70s I sold them their matchbooks. A lovely place.

    And, hey, I like the Clark tartan too...but what is it about the pattern that makes it look like someone got confused during the weaving, even though the pattern is accurately balanced...? Sort of like an optical illusion.

    Did you make the Irish Festival gig today?

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  5. #5
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    Great pictures O' Neille

  6. #6
    Derek's Avatar
    Derek is offline
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    Great pictures O'Neille. Is that Welsh flag I see on your shirt.
    Iechyd Da
    A Proud Welsh Cilt Wearer

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt
    And, hey, I like the Clark tartan too...but what is it about the pattern that makes it look like someone got confused during the weaving, even though the pattern is accurately balanced...? Sort of like an optical illusion.

    Did you make the Irish Festival gig today?

    It is a very busy tartan isn't it. I'd bet it would be a little less busy in a larger set, about 18oz would be nice. We didn't make it to the Phoenix Irish Fest because we didn't leave the Biltmore until the afternoon. I decided it would be too rushed to try to cram a couple hours in. Especially when we have Tucson next weekend. O'Neille

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I really enjoyed the pictures. While the Star Trek trivia is fun, I was fascinated by the architecture itself. FLW designs are awsome and inspiring. They stand the test of time because they are functional as well as beautiful. So many of the buildings built today seem to be little more than a subset of design cliches.

    Thanx for posting those!



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