11th November 06, 05:41 PM
Odd moments in Edinburgh
No kidding, there I was, walking down a sidewalk on Castlehill in Edinburgh from the hotel room to the car holding my bride-to-be in her dress.
It was a somewhat clear yet chilly and blustery day, and I was wearing a charcoal tweed Argyll with my Weathered Lochaber tank, ghillies, et cetera. (See here for a picture for now - more are coming soon!)
In the thirty or so yards between the gate to Jollie's Close and the reception desk to The Witchery by the Castle (the rooms are across the street and down the block a bit from the restaurant) I was stopped no less than three times by different groups of people asking if they could have their picture taken with me.
I had to tell them that I'd love to, but I'd be late to my own wedding just over there at the Castle (pointing up the street to Edinburgh Castle)... in a blatantly American accent.
The looks of shock were priceless, but the one local guide working with the Japanese group merely said, "Well, then, on ye go! I'll explain it to them!"
11th November 06, 07:09 PM
Congrats! And funny story. Those Americans... :rolleyes:
11th November 06, 07:12 PM
 Originally Posted by Caradoc
No kidding, there I was, walking down a sidewalk on Castlehill in Edinburgh from the hotel room to the car holding my bride-to-be in her dress.etc.
Well at least you would have both been late!
Anyway, couldn't get the link to work.
Lookin forward to the photos though.
11th November 06, 08:07 PM
Piccies no a working here either. Congrats though! I'm looking foward to seeing some photos.
11th November 06, 08:28 PM
Well, the pic worked for me. Great looking couple and a great story about your wedding day. Congrats to you
11th November 06, 08:43 PM
Well, I kept getting a "you're not authorized to view this page" screen. I thought "why not give 'er a refresh.... what the hell." Glad I did, that's a GREAT picture! Quite Picturesque.
11th November 06, 09:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
Well, I kept getting a "you're not authorized to view this page" screen. I thought "why not give 'er a refresh.... what the hell." Glad I did, that's a GREAT picture! Quite Picturesque.
Funny, all I get is:
Error 403
11th November 06, 10:54 PM
Congratulations to you both - lovely picture. All my best to you and your beautiful lady.
ps. Thanks for the tip, Bradley. I kept getting the "you're not authorized to view this page" until I hit the ol' refresh.
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
Well, I kept getting a "you're not authorized to view this page" screen. I thought "why not give 'er a refresh.... what the hell." Glad I did, that's a GREAT picture! Quite Picturesque.
A kilted Celt on the border.
Kentoc'h mervel eget bezań saotret
Omne bellum sumi facile, ceterum ęgerrume desinere.
11th November 06, 08:44 PM
Fine photo
Great picture, lovely wife and a respectable gentleman, properly attired for the occasion. Wishing you both the best.
Last edited by ian; 12th November 06 at 05:51 PM.
11th November 06, 10:37 PM
To you fellows that could not see Caradoc's picture of his bride & him:
It could just have been a glitch. I accessed it 3 times just to make sure I could after reading your posts about a problem. Try again, it's worth the viewing.
Great photo! She's a lot pretter than that kelted fellow to her right though :rolleyes:
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