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  1. #1
    Join Date
    31st May 06
    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    "Scottish Cheese Crackers?"

    While people are on the topic of food . . .
    On of my father's (and my) favorite snacks/meals is to slice cheese, usually cheddar, and spread a good seedy mustard on it (Inglehoffer is pretty good for the buck). It's good, if not exactly healthy. Well, I mentioned them (by description) in a conversation on favorite snacks and a gentlemen with a Scottish accent told me that where and when he grew up called them "Scottish Cheese Crackers." The name would be humorous as there are no crackers, but the cheese itself functions as the "cracker." It's a bit like "Scotch on the rocks, hold the ice" "Scotch and water, no water please" or "Scotch and Soda, seperate glasses."

    So, was he just messing with me, or has ANYONE ELSE heard of them (the snack) or the name?

    BYW, I am NOT trying to force them to be Scottish, just to see if my favorite snack actually has a name besides "cheese and mustard." If anyone is curious, try some. Just a tip, use the sharpest cheese you can get and the VERY seedy spicy BROWN, mustard. DO NOT USE FRENCH'S!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th April 05
    Frederick, Maryland, USA
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    While I haven't heard that term before, I do know that in parts of Europe it's very common to dip a piece of cheese in some mustard before eating it.

    I personally like dipping some smoked gouda into a brown mustard.

    Of course, you then wash it down with a good beer.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    6th November 05
    The Hague, The Netherlands
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    When a cheese has a neutral taste (some Dutch and English cheese) it's nice to use some mustard, pesto or red pepper paste(sambal) to give your snack a "bite".

    Don't destroy the taste of good French or Italian cheese..that would be a crime.

    Cheese crackers are often a bit salty...no mustard needed. Nice with a sturdy red wine...or a beer.

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