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Thread: Freedom Afoot?

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  1. #1
    Graham's Avatar
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    Freedom Afoot?

    A dear friend sent me a Christmas card with kilted children walking to school in the snow on the cover. One of the children was barefooted, obviously poor, but really tough!

    I thought of my youth when I rarely wore shoes, my feet were tough then.

    Naturally, I decided to google the topic and it has raised some interesting questions that we who love freedom in dress may be interested in.

    What of barefootedness and health, freedom, comfort (??) ..just a thought.

    check out this very interesting website

  2. #2
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    Interesting website, Graham. A lot of their suggestions as to how to respond to questions about going barefoot remind me of the responses to questions about kilts. Also, isn't there a fairly new X-Marks member who goes barefoot all the time?
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  3. #3
    Graham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    Interesting website, Graham. A lot of their suggestions as to how to respond to questions about going barefoot remind me of the responses to questions about kilts. Also, isn't there a fairly new X-Marks member who goes barefoot all the time?
    Yes, similar issues. I'm interested in the health aspect of barefootedness, I have some problems with my feet that it may help.
    Historically, there are links with kilts and bare feet.

    Not sure about the member you speak of.

  4. #4
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    I go barefoot whenever possible. I can't wait for work to end so I can get my feet out of those boots and socks! I frequently drive barefoot, and spend most of my outdoor summer time shoeless. When I was in Belize a few years back, I was barefoot a lot of the time. It gives a real connection to the earth. I need to get a kilt to work around the farm in... I can go unencumbered then (dress Gordon is not a work kilt!)
    "Durum Patientia Frango" (By patience I break what is hard) Clan Muir Muir motto
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    I used to walk around barefoot. But now wit two jobs, by the time I get home, it's almost time to hit the hay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Improv1 View Post
    I need to get a kilt to work around the farm in... I can go unencumbered then (dress Gordon is not a work kilt!)
    Well not with that attitude!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macman View Post
    Also, isn't there a fairly new X-Marks member who goes barefoot all the time?
    I think you guys are referring to me. I'm fairly new, and I go barefoot all the time, so I fit the bill, anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    One of the children was barefooted, obviously poor, but really tough!
    Unfortunately a lot of people equate a lack of shoes with a lack of money, but it's just not true. Especially years ago, people went barefoot because they wanted to. In this Nike/Rebock $60 shoe era, you're weird if you don't wear shoes. But just because you don't, it doesn't mean you can't afford them.

    I have another site, found at www.barefooters.org, that provides even more information regarding the health, comfort, practicality, etc. of barefooting.

    I personally don't wear shoes for a couple reasons:
    First, I figure why wear them if you don't have to? I see shoes as tools to be used in limited, specific situations.
    This is related to the second point, which is comfort. There's nothing like feeling what you're walking on!
    The third reason health, because my lower back has never felt better since I've stopped wearing shoes full time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    I'm interested in the health aspect of barefootedness, I have some problems with my feet that it may help.
    If you're referring to things like fallen arches, crooked toes, bunions, etc., then yes! barefooting would help without a doubt. There are a lot of articles on www.barefooters.org that give sound medical proof of problems solved by ditching constricting footwear.

    In any case, Graham (or anyone else), don't be afraid to try it. Ten to one you won't want to go back. I know I won't!

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    Thanks for replying, I stand (barefooted) corrected on the poverty aspect, that was my impression.

    Do you wear a kilt while barefooted much? Guess you save money on kilt hose
    Thanks for the link, I had found that one.
    When I was 20 I often went around barefooted. My wifes' earliest recollection of me before we formally met was of a young man running around the campus with shorts and no shoes.

    If I'd known about kilts back then she would have noticed me earlier

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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Thanks for replying, I stand (barefooted) corrected on the poverty aspect, that was my impression.
    No biggie. Just wanted to clear that up. Haha

    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Do you wear a kilt while barefooted much? Guess you save money on kilt hose
    Most of my "kilt hours" are logged barefoot, yeah. I think it looks cool; kind of a Braveheart feel to it. (Yeah, I know, I know; Wallace didn't wear a kilt.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    When I was 20 I often went around barefooted. My wifes' earliest recollection of me before we formally met was of a young man running around the campus with shorts and no shoes.
    Sounds just like me! Except I don't like shorts, for whatever reason. I'm known as "the barefoot kid on campus" now. But I don't mind the attention. It's worth it to me.

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    I'm barefoot in the house most of the time, but you never know what's in the grass anymore and going barefoot on concrete isn't the brightest idea. Outdoors I wear shoes or boots always. Lord knows how many nails and bits of broken glass I've pulled out of the souls of my shoes.

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