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Thread: Tattoo art?

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  1. #1
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    Tattoo art?

    Okay, so I've decided to get a tattoo. For a long time, I've played with the idea but never followed through. Here's my thoughts on the design, any opinions, knowledge and input is appreciated since I have absolutely no idea what I'm getting into.

    What I think I want is a single tattoo that encompasses that part of my life and my heritage that I value most: the crossed Canadian and US flags, full colour on staffs. Over the intersection of the staff and just below the flags, the Clan Barclay crest in black only. Just south of that a banner scroll that reads "Alba Gu Brath".

    I can't decide where to put it, but I've narrowed it down to (1) over the heart; and (2) on the calf. If I put it over my heart it will only be seen infrequently, but I'm not sure how I feel about putting flags and national symbols on my leg - it seems, well, less than honourable in some way. But it will be seen much more frequently when I'm casually kilted and in shorts.

    Also, is there any software where I can draw this out for a tattoo artist, or should I just find one that comes highly recommended and let him or her take the reins?

    Any thoughts on any of it? Thanks for any input offered.

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  2. #2
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I can't see nothing wrong with it on the leg. So long as it is done in a respectful manner, what harm could their be? This isn't a spure of the moment drunken mistake, this is a well planned event.

    Put it where people can see it.

  3. #3
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    My wife is a tattoo artist... I will ask her opinion on this. She is an artist first, and the skin is her canvas of choice. She has done many desigins for people based upon the most basic of info, and has never had a complaint.
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  4. #4
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    a little advise

    I have my arms & back marked. Nothing on my legs. I probably will not. But like Dreadbelly said, as long as it is respectful it's cool. And if you are kilted a leg tat will show easily.

    Always get custom. Never "flash". Flash in tatoo lingo is the stuff on the walls. Everybody has 'em. Make yours unique.

    Don't try to negotiate the price. The artist will be insulted. Tip.

  5. #5
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Having the words "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc" would be kinda cool tattooed some place on my body.

    At least I always thought so.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    Having the words "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc" would be kinda cool tattooed some place on my body.
    LOL Ketchup?

    Quote Originally Posted by dirkskene
    Always get custom. Never "flash". Flash in tatoo lingo is the stuff on the walls. Everybody has 'em. Make yours unique.
    I hope this is pretty unique. It represents various parts of my life as a Canadian Maritimer and as an American, my paternal clan, and a hat tip to Scotland, the "mother land". Does this seem like it is flash-ish? 'cause, yeah, I'd like to avoid that too. I don't wanna be anyone's clone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Improv1
    My wife is a tattoo artist... I will ask her opinion on this. She is an artist first, and the skin is her canvas of choice. She has done many desigins for people based upon the most basic of info, and has never had a complaint.
    That would be excellent! Her input would be wonderful! Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beloitpiper
    Sounds like a great tatoo. I'd recommened over the heart, or even center on the chest.
    I have to admit that the heart is definitely my first choice, but I also don't want it to be hidden, only to be seen at the beach or the locker room. Hence my dilemma.

    Thanks for the great input gents!

    Last edited by Barclay; 11th January 07 at 07:55 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barclay View Post
    I hope this is pretty unique. It represents various parts of my life as a Canadian Maritimer ..... an American, my paternal clan, and a hat tip to Scotland,...... Does this seem like it is flash-ish? 'cause, yeah, I'd like to avoid that too. I don't wanna be anyone's clone.
    Sounds totally unique It will

  8. #8
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barclay View Post
    LOL Ketchup?
    Side of chips and some malt vinegar, thanks.

  9. #9
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    Sounds like a great tatoo. I'd recommened over the heart, or even center on the chest.

  10. #10
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    The location is important. Over your heart is a sentiment that would not be lost and would easily be concealed if you wanted to not show the tat. Your leg would mean wearing pants or high socks to cover if you chose to. If covering the tat is not an issue nor would ever potentially be one, I see no reason why you should not put it there.

    I do suggest visiting several artists before choosing one. Look at their artwork and take into account not just the drawings on the wall, but the body art. Lines should be smooth and even, is the ink applied with the right amount of pressure. (too much or too little is a common problem I've seen) Also, if positioned on your chest you don't have the wrap around factor. Some of the artwork I have seen on legs or arms appears distorted or skewed. A good artist knows how to work around that.

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