Of course, following the European date convention, there will never be a Pi Day... (there being no 31 April)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH MATHEMATICS! I'll have ye walk the plank ifn ye keep posting all this math gobbletygook.
Originally Posted by Dreadbelly AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH MATHEMATICS! I'll have ye walk the plank ifn ye keep posting all this math gobbletygook. If you would like, Dread, we could change the topic at had to Physics, or if I felt like dealing with the immense headache it causes, Astro-Physics. And way to go, Arlen. Now I'm hungry. You're such an insensitive jerk...
Originally Posted by elitekiltedcommando If you would like, Dread, we could change the topic at ha[n]d to . . . Astro-Physics. when did George Jetson's dog start teaching physics?
Originally Posted by cacunn when did George Jetson's dog start teaching physics? Ro Reorge!
MATH??? I thought it was just the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of the cider bottle!!! Pi R squared. No, brownies R squared, Pi R round!
So I should celebrate by Pie for ∏??? MrBill
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire Listen to kpcw.org Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
Originally Posted by mbhandy So I should celebrate by Pie for ∏??? MrBill I think any sort of pie would be suitable! (So long as it's relatively round and tasty!)
Originally Posted by Fearnest MATH??? I thought it was just the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of the cider bottle!!! Pi R squared. No, brownies R squared, Pi R round! To the locker with ye! **poke**
Originally Posted by Dreadbelly To the locker with ye! **poke** OH NOES!!! DREAD'S GOING TO ROUND ME UP!!!
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