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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th August 06
    West Central Indiana
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    Kimono'ed comments

    I went out shopping for my birthday and wore my favorite kimono. After shopping, I stopped by a restuarant for a good meal. I walked in in all my unorthadox glory and two little boys (about 6-9 years old) imediately took notice.

    One's loud comment was: 'Why is that lady wearing that?'

    The other boy's 'informed' reply. 'It's a kimono! That means she's Chinese; duh!'

    I about fell off of my chair laughing.

    Here's a shot a friend took of me when we were getting ready for a performance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    10th December 06
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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    Thats funny stuff, out of the mouth of babes...
    The other day I had a little girl come up to me at the dentists office to ask why I was wearing a skirt, I had to tell her it was in fact a kilt, I dont know if she believed me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    21st April 05
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    This reminded me of something that happened years ago: I was standing in line (in a department store) waiting to checkout, just behind a twenty-something mother and her daughter (who may have been all of five years old). The girl turns and looks up at me and smiles so I smile back and look away. Not ten seconds later, I felt a tug at my sleeve and...

    "Hey mister! Hey mister!"


    "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

    "Um...I don't really know."

    "WHO CARES??!!"

    I had to laugh out loud not only because of her answer but she actually said all of that without missing a beat. Out of the mouths of babes, indeed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Lioness View Post
    One's loud comment was: 'Why is that lady wearing that?'

    The other boy's 'informed' reply. 'It's a kimono! That means she's Chinese; duh!'

    Duh! Red Lioness is Japanese, like it's a Kimono! Some peoples kids.

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