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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th April 07
    Duluth, MN
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    Wash and Wear apron guard.

    Ahh, the aroma of well used wool...

    A funny thing occurred to me at 4:00 yesterday morning. I was about to wear my new field kilt for the first time, and would probably spend seveal weeks in it this summer. This means lots of hydration, perspiration, dust, and, umm, generaly being human and having bodily functions. I've noticed that well seasoned garments tend to have personality, eveing wear far less than day wear, but I wanted mine to remain fresh through the t-shirt season. So I stitched a few reinforced anchors on the inside of the apron, and made a small removable cotton canvas 'pad' to cover a good portion of it. then I put it on, and drove out for the day. (To prevent any confusion, both aprons are lined with a layer of black 18 ounce wool.)

    Golly if it didn't work. It was in the mid 70's and sunny. We spent hours lugging bags of shotgun shells, and shooting in the sun. We sweated out a gallon of water each. By evening I was glad that I had worn a long shirt to keep my pleats away from my skin. The 'pad' had done it's job admirably too.

    Just something to mull over.


    Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
    Proudly monkeying with tradition since 1967.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    14th January 07
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    This is a good idea and looks like it is well done. Did you attach the pad with velcro snapes?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th April 07
    Duluth, MN
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    Snaps, little teenie stainless steel ones.

    Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
    Proudly monkeying with tradition since 1967.

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