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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Clinton, South Carolina (USA)-> Atlanta native
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    Mixing Tartans on accesories??????

    I was looking at a linked site from another post:

    I noticed that modern amagamated units (I am upset that they have been reduced to a singular) used mixed tartans for the uniforms.
    For example (on the Gordon Highlanders):
    "In 1994 the regiment was amalgamated with the Queen's Own Highlanders. Their new title being The Highlanders (Seaforths, Gordons and Camerons).
    Regimental Tartans

    78th Mackenzie tartan, 79th Cameron of Erracht and the 92nd Gordon tartan.
    It was decided that the regiment, less the pipers and drummers, should wear the Gordon tartan kilt and a patch of Cameron tartan in the Balmoral bonnet.
    The pipers and drummers wear the Cameron kilt and a patch of Gordon tartan in the Balmoral bonnet.
    The regiment as a whole also wear trews of Mackenzie tartan."

    So, what about in the Civi-world????
    Kilts, vests, bonnet patches, ties, scarfs, etc.

    Relevant to me, as I am making matching Balmorals for each kilt I make myself-> Wallace, Carolina, and Caledonia already completed. The bonnets are the prodominant tartan colors and use a swatch of the tartan as the cockade/patch for a badge (of some sort). For example: the Wallace has a black body, yellow toorie, red (cotton) binding and tails; the Carolina has green body, red toorie, black (worsted wool) binding; the Caledonia is navy body, red toorie (wool) and binding/tails (cotton); each has a 2.5 or so square/rectangle patch made of the left over hair canvas (folded over and overlapped for strength and size) and tartan from the kilt waist band.
    I read the above linked site and wondered about mixing them . . .

    (Wallace bonnet with Carolina kilt, etc).

    (Todd, this is intentionally under "advice," as that is what I am curious about. What is considered "correct" in differnet areas)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Airdrie, AB. Canada
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    I think it's all right to mix tartans to a certain extent. I mean Sir Sean Connery does it.

    He is wearing a MacLean Hunting tartan kilt and a tie of another tartan (I used to remember what tartan it was, but don't now). Works for me. I'd do it both (haven't yet) with my Grant Hunting Ancient and Grant Modern kilts with a tie in the other tartan.
    William Grant
    Stand Fast Craigellachie!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Remember it is clothing for most of us not a uniform. Do the tartans have a meaning to you and do they look good together. I would be concerned about the clash of colors. If there is no clash or they are far enough apart to minimise the clash go for it.

    Also, remember that tartan police should not be beaten at least not for the first offense.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In my opinion, no. Mixing tartans in one outfit doesn't work visually, tartans by themselves are complex most of the time and more than one together normally ruins the harmony created by matching everything in the outfit.

    I'm sure many will disagree with me on this, this is just my thoughts on the matter. I'm not a member of the tartan police, certainly, and I'm not saying anyone should or shouldn't do something. I just wouldn't.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I personally think as a rule it would be too much of a clash to mix tartans.

    Perhaps if you took a "basic" tartan like Black Watch, you could get away with mixing another similar but more elaborate tartan with it but to take one like Sir Sean is waring above and put them together just looks bad in Civilian fashion. A military uniform can do things with colors that civilian dress cannot by supporting it with tradition or several other reasons. A kilt is such an ornate garment by itself, that it would not take much to create an overly flashy or gaudy outfit by piling on too many other various pieces.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    How about if you mix tartans with the same basic sett, with some variants. Say, Black Watch and Gordon Modern, Forbes, etc? For example, would wearing Black Watch claddagh with a Gordon Modern kilt be such a fox paw?
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

    Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
    7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.

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