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  1. #1
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    Burying the hatchet, so to speak... :lol:

    I was wearing my Macdonald of the isles ancient kilt to work last Friday and, while sitting next to a Campbell, a co-worker came over and asked if my kilt was in the Campbell tartan.
    Of course we all had a bit of a laugh and I had to explain to my co-worker some of the history between the Campbells and the Macdonalds.

    Now, a bit of a conversation arose a short while later about what we planned to name some of our children.
    Well, I have a few ideas of names that I like and I know that our first born daughter will be Named after Diane's mother, but the idea came to me that perhaps it might be nice to name one of my sons Campbell. (Assuming I have any.)
    Personally, I think it's a great name and I'd be proud to have a son named Campbell Donald.

    Just thought I'd share that little idea.
    Perhaps in a few years time we'll see if it really happens.

  2. #2
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    Campbell would work well as a christian name with Donald.
    Though I'm bound to say now with the wisdom of age I don't go with the idea of choosing names for the as yet unborn - while we were students my ex had chosen Gareth Alexander for our first born son, (Gareth because she was Welsh and Alexander which is my christian name). As life turned out we both married other partners, which seemed unthinkable at the time, and I never did have a son, and every time I hear of somebody called Gareth brings back bittersweet memories.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #3
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    My wife and I picked our kids names in a pub in Galway after several Guinnesses. Years later our son did not end up being a Liam (there are too many and it didn't suit him), but he did get MacKenzie, my mother's maiden name, as his middle name.

    Our daughter was Maryn for the first few hours of life, well...she was actually Angus (for my GG) while in the womb as I was sure it was another boy. However driving home that night the name just didn't fit such a cute wee girl and than I remembered the names we had picked in Galway. She is a total Fiona.

    Campbell Donald would be a good strong name, but could cause a few issues with some of the more narrow minded folks that still hold onto long ago fueds that play little to no role in today's world. I enjoy taking the piss out of my friedns that are Campbells, but only for a bit of fun and they can throw it back just as good

  4. #4
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    Honestly, as often as I randomly decide exactly what all of my future children will be called, I know they'll bring their own names with them if and when they come.
    But I do very much like the idea of that name. Solidarity in Kilt-wearing, heritage and forgiveness, I say.

  5. #5
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    Of course it would be John Dalrymple and William of Orange that were in need of the forgiveness, aye? Glenlyon was merely a pawn, doing as he had been ordered to do.

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