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  1. #1
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    Endings and beginnings

    The NY recording studio where I have worked the last 6 1/2 years is closing at the end of August.

    There was a possible deal to buy the studio, but that fell through.

    This is Sony Music Studios (Formerly Columbia Recording Studios) which had been an icon in the industry for the last 80 years.
    SonyBMG does not consider it profitable any more, so they are selling the property off to a developer.

    That means I am looking for new employment. Yes I'm another IT person, who has done Desktop Systems Support over the last 13 years, and 7 years of field service before. Network installation, server installs,wiring offices for arcnet, pretty much anything and everything since the IBM PC was on the scene.

    Because of the support industry going more and more to remote offshore support, it does make somethings more difficult. But I will start pounding the pavement as soon as I can refresh my resume, and try to continue my walk through the working world.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by mddock58 View Post
    The NY recording studio where I have worked the last 6 1/2 years is closing at the end of August.

    There was a possible deal to buy the studio, but that fell through.

    This is Sony Music Studios (Formerly Columbia Recording Studios) which had been an icon in the industry for the last 80 years.
    SonyBMG does not consider it profitable any more, so they are selling the property off to a developer.

    That means I am looking for new employment. Yes I'm another IT person, who has done Desktop Systems Support over the last 13 years, and 7 years of field service before. Network installation, server installs,wiring offices for arcnet, pretty much anything and everything since the IBM PC was on the scene.

    Because of the support industry going more and more to remote offshore support, it does make somethings more difficult. But I will start pounding the pavement as soon as I can refresh my resume, and try to continue my walk through the working world.
    and because you were working, you probably don't have up to date certification. What are the chances of negotiating upgrading as part of your severance package? Hopefully, after 6 1/2 years you get one, don't you?

    All the best.
    Last edited by Archangel; 9th June 07 at 08:57 PM. Reason: numbers wrong

  3. #3
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    Good Luck Mark! If you need something part-time to cover health care, Home Depot and Starbucks might still offer beni's to part-time employees. I know a lot of layed-off IT folks went to work there during the late 90's while looking for new jobs.

  4. #4
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    Sorry to hear you will be out of work soon--But when one door closes another one opens--good luck with your job hunting

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    and because you were working, you probably don't have up to date certification. What are the chances of negotiating upgrading as part of your severance package? Hopefully, after 6 1/2 years you get one, don't you?

    All the best.
    Thanks, but after being in the industry 20 years, Certifications do not matter as much, though they are nice, I have always proven myself more than a piece of paper.

    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    Good Luck Mark! If you need something part-time to cover health care, Home Depot and Starbucks might still offer beni's to part-time employees. I know a lot of layed-off IT folks went to work there during the late 90's while looking for new jobs.
    Well, as you may suppose I do have a severance package, but they are also adding 6 months of COBRA, so that is fine right now. Also, before I went into computers, I was in Hotel/Restaurant Management, and have worked as a waiter during slow times, and IF I need to, I will again.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Dalglish View Post
    Sorry to hear you will be out of work soon--But when one door closes another one opens--good luck with your job hunting
    Thanks David, Much of my sorrow is knowing that another icon of the early recording/TV industry such as this building, will be developed into condos, and forgotten.

    Jobs are always there for those who want to work, you just have to decide to do it!
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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    Update: The Studio looks as though it is being pillaged, all the equipment is getting torn apart and packed up to be sold. The computers I am supporting are being inventoried to see if they can be used elsewhere.

    Many of the Video editors have a job already at another studio, as do some of the audio editors.

    I have an interview this week (Thursday) with a publisher in NYC, so at least there is something moving at least.
    (Though I'm sorry Panache, they do not publish fiction. )
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mddock58 View Post
    ...I have an interview this week (Thursday) with a publisher in NYC, so at least there is something moving at least.
    (Though I'm sorry Panache, they do not publish fiction. )
    Oh Well!

    Best of Luck on your interview!


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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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    The Interview went well, The company is Oxford University Press (stop salivating Todd).

    One of the requirements would be fairly regular trips to Cary, NC. I could deal with that.

    This might be a good change, so I hope this "49er" (will be in Aug) did an adequate job on the interview.

    Thanks for all your encouragement!
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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    Good luck with the interview.

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    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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