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  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th June 05
    On The Long Road
    0 Post(s)
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    Decommissioning and departure from TW

    On Monday 18th.

    The password to the account "marxmorrison" is

    to be sent in PM to interested poster.

    Because of the way the game rules are set up, the account sitting feature will be required. But, it will be for the THREE worlds W5,6 &7 and it will be permanent. I'll not be back to TW. I just can no longer afford the time for the gaming.

    Here are todays status's on those three worlds that I'm leaving. The world 5 village was taken away yesterday (Fri) by an ignoramous. I took the relocation option and wound up on k49. You can see the thread indicating the conversation we (me and the attacker) had afterward on W5 tribal forum.
    W7 Ranking (13273.|1.317 P)
    marxmorrison outpost (347|445) K43 - Map - Village overview
    w4095 c224 i5259 whse41217 pop2807/3569
    Village overview marxmorrison outpost

    Village Headquarters (Level 11)
    Barracks (Level 5)
    Stable (Level 3)
    Smithy (Level 5)
    Rally point (Level 1)
    Statue (Level 1)
    Market (Level 4)
    Timber camp (Level 22)
    Clay pit (Level 22)
    Iron mine (Level 21)
    Farm (Level 18)
    Warehouse (Level 19)
    Hiding place (Level 5)
    Wall (Level 11)

    Wood 717 per Hour
    Clay 717 per Hour
    Iron 616 per Hour

    652 Spear fighters
    455 Swordsmen
    29 Axemen
    218 Archer
    558 Scout
    89 Light cavalry
    1 Paladin

    I strongly recommend building attack forces here

    W6 Ranking (8093.|7.696 P)
    marxmorrison outpost (523|328) K35 - Map - Village overview
    w1541 c11614 i10041 whse264611 pop18140/24000
    Village overview marxmorrison outpost
    Village Headquarters (Level 21)
    Barracks (Level 13)
    Stable (Level 13)
    Workshop (Level 6)
    Academy (Level 1)
    Smithy (Level 20)
    Rally point (Level 1)
    Statue (Level 1)
    Market (Level 16)
    Timber camp (Level 30)
    Clay pit (Level 30)
    Iron mine (Level 30)
    Farm (Level 30)
    Warehouse (Level 28)
    Hiding place (Level 1)
    Wall (Level 20)

    Wood 3600 per Hour
    Clay 3600 per Hour
    Iron 3600 per Hour

    1621 Spear fighters
    755 Swordsmen
    333 Axemen
    796 Archer
    2507 Scout
    282 Light cavalry
    328 Mounted archer
    370 Heavy cavalry
    59 Ram
    111 Catapult
    1 Paladin
    3 Nobleman

    W5 Ranking (36940.|116 P)
    XMTSpost (900|485) K49 - Map - Village overview
    w268 c183 i244 whse1229 pop97/329
    Village overview XMTSpost
    Village Headquarters (Level 1)
    Rally point (Level 1)
    Timber camp (Level 10)
    Clay pit (Level 9)
    Iron mine (Level 9)
    Farm (Level 3)
    Warehouse (Level 2)
    Hiding place (Level 4)

    Wood 117 per Hour
    Clay 100 per Hour
    Iron 100 per Hour

    Last edited by morrison; 16th June 07 at 04:43 PM. Reason: upgrade info
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?


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