I'm not sure where to post this, but since I did it myself, I figure DIY might be the place.
The Problem
I have a sterling silver kilt pin on my box pleat wool kilt. The kilt pin has two silver posts on the back - one is the hinge point for the sharp pin that secures the piece, and the other post holds the catch for the pin. Over time, my kilt has buffed the silver posts on the back of the kilt pin. The buffing action has left two dark stains where silver was deposited on the wool. These stains are visible even with the kilt pin in place because the pin is narrow.
The Solution
I tried removing the silver stains with a soft, damp cloth without effect. What did work was an art gum eraser. These erasers are usually made of natural gum rubber and are a tan color. By gently rubbing the eraser against the wool, the silver stains were removed with about a half-dozen passes.
To prevent a future occurrence of the same problem, I cleaned the silver posts with acetone, then used a very fine brush to apply several coats of clear acrylic paint. The paint was applied only to the shiny spots on the back of the pin, so the rest of the pin will continue to develop a natural silver patina.
I suspect this technique would also work for rub stains caused by other metals such as pewter. I hope this helps somebody faced with a similar problem.