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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th September 05
    Outside Boston
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    I wonder if this guy was kilted?

    Scottish Bride attacks groom with shoe

    Scottish bride Teresa Brown's dream of a perfect wedding day probably did not include attacking the groom with her stiletto shoe and spending the weekend in a cell.

    Police arrested the 33-year-old in the couple's hotel room in April while her wedding reception continued downstairs, prosecutor Alan Townsend said Tuesday at Aberdeen Sheriff Court. She spent the rest of her wedding weekend in a cell.

    The distraught groom, Mark Allerton, 40, staggered to the front desk, clutching a bloody towel to his head, Townsend said.

    "He indicated that his wife had struck him over the head with a stiletto heel," the prosecutor said.

    Police found Brown, a real estate agent's assistant, sitting on the hotel room bed, surrounded by broken glass.

    Brown told police she and her husband had "been accusing each other of different things," the prosecutor said, without going into details. Brown said she hit him on the head because he had taken a hold of her, he added.

    Brown's lawyer Stuart Beveridge said the newlyweds began throwing things at each other after an argument in their room turned physical. He said Brown had been on antidepressants at the time and had been drinking.

    "She and her husband are still together although this incident has not helped," he said, adding she is receiving counseling.

    Sheriff James Tierney let Brown off on the assault charge with a warning and fined her 250 pounds ($505) for damaging the hotel room and ordered her to pay the hotel 500 pounds ($1,150) in compensation.

    Hilton Treetops said in a statement that they were happy the case has closed.

    "This has been a very unusual case," the hotel said.
    “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau

  2. #2
    Join Date
    6th December 06
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    Gee, how long do you think this union will last??

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    AND...if that girl was on antidepressants at the time of the incident, I'd surely suggest the groom stear clear of her if she ever decides to go off of her medication! YIKES!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    21st June 07
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    LOL.. I just sent this to my wife. She tends to get a bit rowdy when she drinks.

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