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  1. #1
    macwilkin is offline
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    Smile Wallace & Ladmo...

    All the Xmarks "zonies" will hopefully appreciate this relatively new web site I surfed on to the other day:


    If you spent any part of your childhood in AZ (as I did) from the 1950's through the 80's, no doubt Wallace & Ladmo played some part in it. I've tried to explain this AZ institution to non-zonies, to no avail. :mrgreen: When I found out that one of our PT employees lived in PHX, the first question I asked was: "So, did you watch Wallace & Ladmo?"

    So who else here is a "Wallace Watcher"?

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Last edited by macwilkin; 17th July 07 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
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    I even got a Ladmo Bag once.

  3. #3
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall View Post
    I even got a Ladmo Bag once.
    I think I hate you now.


  4. #4
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    Both of my older brother received Ladmo Bags, but i never did. Pat McMahon hosts his own radio show here in the valley. Pat used to play Gerald back in the day. You're right though. You can't even begin to explain Wallace and Ladmo to someone who didn't live in Arizona. It just doesn't work. I've tried, and they just look at you funny.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayin McFye View Post
    ...snipYou're right though. You can't even begin to explain Wallace and Ladmo to someone who didn't live in Arizona. It just doesn't work. I've tried, and they just look at you funny.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

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    As a 51 year old native Phoenician, you bet I was a Wallace Watcher!!!

    Gosh, I loved that show!!!

    Every afternoon at 4 o'clock I'd be watching the Wallace & Ladmo show. I was watching it before Pat McMahon joined & brought Gerald & his whole cast of characters with him. I'm talking when the show was still in black & white, before there were Ladmo Bags when the kids would select a toy from the Toy Cottage (on 7th Ave a few blocks north of Indian School). Or going to see their stage show at Legend City or the Palm Theater or at the State Fair. Or bugging my parents to take me to get a burger or hot dog at the Wallace & Ladmo drive-in at 16th St & Bethany Home. I joined the Ladmo Fan Club & yes, I finally got my own Ladmo Bag (I still have it). I was one of the 10s of thousands at Encanto Park for their 35th Anniversary show. And of course, I watched their final show on 29 Dec 1989. I even watched the show while my wife was in labor!

    I could blabber on enthusiastically about this show for a very long time because it did & still does mean a lot to me, but you're right, cajunscot, it's impossible to explain to those who never saw & experienced it. Besides being one of the longest running programs in television history & winner of numerous awards, it was just a huge phenomenon... but only in Arizona.

    The best way I can describe it - it was kind of a kids-of-all-ages Saturday Night Live with great cartoons, but that doesn't even begin to do it justice.

    If you're ever in town, be sure to go visit the Wallace & Ladmo exhibit at the Arizona Historical Society Museum in Tempe. They also sell stuff like t-shirts, posters, DVDs, CDs, but unfortunately the excellent book about the show is long out-of-print.

    stand by for Captain Super...
    Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
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  7. #7
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    stand by for Captain Super...

    Captain Super: Hello, Arizona . . . well, most of Arizona. All except Scottsdale. I won’t say hello to Scottsdale.

    Wallace: Why not Scottsdale?

    Captain Super: Scottsdale was rude to Captain Super.

    Wallace: What happened?

    Captain Super: I got picked up for dressing funny.

    Although I was always a Marshall Good fan myself.

    Red, I think a Wallce & Ladmo t-shirt would look very good with that AZ tartan kilt of yours...


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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red View Post

    As a 51 year old native Phoenician, you bet I was a Wallace Watcher!!!

    Are you really 51 years old? If that's true you have to tell what in the world is your trade secret!?!?!?! You looked about 30-35 years old when i met you.

  9. #9
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    This thread is really scary.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  10. #10
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    Heck Yeah, I remember Wallace & Ladmo (& Gerald)!

    I saw them in person once at Legend City. I didn't get a Ladmo bag, but the girl next to me did.

    I even made my own Ladmo shirt with a marker. My Mom would wash it and I'd make another one. My Parents even made a point to call me to tell me when Ladmo died.

    I think I can even remember most (some?) of the words to "Soggy Cereal" and "Ladmo in Disguise with Glasses".

    This place never ceases to amaze me.

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