23rd July 07, 05:23 AM
Deeply depressed.
Saturday, my doctor dropped a big bomb on me. I've got diabetes. Blood sugar was 362! Average is between 60 and 100. Drastic changes coming in my future. My family can't afford me being a diabetic. We can't afford much of anything right now. Most of my friends are treating me like I'm about to die which, of course, just makes me more depressed. I am bi-polar as well, which is why I am so depressed in the first place. I am trying everything I know to keep in good spirits, but I am so very low. Sorry, I just had to get it off my chest. I know Ya'll won't treat me like I gonna die any day now. C'mon someone kick me in my @$$, and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself!
23rd July 07, 05:43 AM
check out a guy calle Gary Mabbut
a fantastic football player, who represented his country and played sport at the highest level despite being diabetic from the age of 17
"The message has always been that no matter what you want to do in life diabetes will not stop you. Do not live your life round diabetes; let it live round you. "
sometimes when hardship enters our lives it reminds us that the human spirit can always overcome adversity, the strength to do so is there dormant yet something like this will release that strength and make you a stronger person.
there is alwasy a demon waiting to make us flounder the trick is to laugh in its face and carry on regardless, there simply is no other option.
your xmarks friends will always be here for you mate
23rd July 07, 05:43 AM
Feeling down is normal. Now we just gotta work on eating habits. What'd the doc say? Probably the same things that got me loosing so much weight. And exercise. We gotta get you on the golf course. I don't care what anybody says, carrying a 45-pound bag 4.5 - 5 miles is a workout. We can start with 9 holes. That'll be about 2.5 miles.
23rd July 07, 06:05 AM
 Originally Posted by Dirk Skene
Feeling down is normal. Now we just gotta work on eating habits. What'd the doc say? Probably the same things that got me loosing so much weight. And exercise. We gotta get you on the golf course. I don't care what anybody says, carrying a 45-pound bag 4.5 - 5 miles is a workout. We can start with 9 holes. That'll be about 2.5 miles.
This is good advice..diet and exercise can fix most problems. I have a friend who has late onset diabetes, he lives a normal life provided he watches diet and takes his medication.
It's not the end of the world, it will work out fine.
23rd July 07, 06:54 AM
I am a diabetic. I'm also the healthiest guy of my age that I know.
Sounds weird right?
I was crushed when I was diagnosed, but I lost the weight that I needed to, I exercise a lot though just hard yard work and being physical, and I take my meds. But most importantly, I follow the diet guidelines.
It's not as hard as you think, but there are lifestyle changes. The biggest is that you'll have to give up fast food. Eat fresh, eat whole grains, eat veggies. Weight Watches is what I do, not because I need to lose weight but because it is a healthy, diabetes friendly diet (and my wife works there).
You don't have to give up sweets because of substitutes now on the market.
It's not the end of the world if you take it seriously and for heavens sake don't cheat. I know a lot of people who think they can cheat and they end up with the very real and inescapable results....loss of vision, loss of feeling in extremities, and eventually lost of legs.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Do what your doctor says. No cheating and you will end up healthier in the long run.
I started out with a blood sugar of 425. Now mine is better than my 30 something doctor.
It's a change in how you live. Not the end of life. You can work this to your advantage. I often say that this was for me, a blessing in disguise.
Pm me if you have any specific questions.
It don't mean a thing, if you aint got that swing!!
'S Rioghal Mo Dhream - a child of the mist
23rd July 07, 05:46 AM
Yeah...just take faith in the fact that you're living in a time when you can not only get a good diagnosis and they can give you a plan to manage the problem. If the finances are a problem, just keep looking around...I used to work for a social services agency and we could usually find a program that could help folks manage if they had a problem like this pop up. Your lifestyle may change (hell, it WILL change!) but you should take it as a challenge to recast your life in a way that will help you to live longer and be healthier...to PREVAIL, as it were, rather than to just exist. Yep, it sucks...but long ago my brother once said of life, "...there's no way we're going get of of this thing alive so why play a conservative game?"
You've got things to do, places to go and people to meet so take control.
23rd July 07, 05:51 AM
 Originally Posted by Beuth Sim
 C'mon someone kick me in my @$$, and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself! 
Consider the Doctor's report as the kick in the @$$ you need to change your life style. Late onset diabetes can be treated by diet and exercise.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
23rd July 07, 07:02 AM
 Originally Posted by Beuth Sim
C'mon someone kick me in my @$$, and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself!
Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Seriously, don't let the speed bumps of life become impassable obstacles. Listen to your doctor. Hear what he has to say and follow his instructions to the letter.
23rd July 07, 07:13 AM
My neighbor and friend Bob found out he had diabetes a few years ago when he collapsed on his kitchen floor in front of his family and had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
He found out he was diabetic and immediately took steps to lose weight. He started watching his diet and because he needed to exercise he bought himself a mountain bike. It proved not only to be great exercise but great fun. He is now an avid rider and accomplished rider, he is in great shape, and has met a large number of new friends all because he took charge of his health. Today he in such great shape and a very happy fellow.
So on your feet sir!
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
23rd July 07, 07:05 AM
Hang in there - news like this can seem like the end of the world - but as many have said, changing what you eat and moving your body can work wonders. Keep your chin up and remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
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