Member - X Marks Honor Roll Former House Chairman/Forum Advocate
Join Date
29th July 05
Reston, Virginia, USA (Suburban Washington, DC)
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Originally Posted by porrick
Wow, is IRC still around?
I used to hang out there, but that is years ago now
Wow. I'm with Patrick on that one. I hadn't even thought about IRC in years. Guess I'll have to dig around a bit and see what I can find. Freenode, huh?
Wow. I'm with Patrick on that one. I hadn't even thought about IRC in years. Guess I'll have to dig around a bit and see what I can find. Freenode, huh?
I briefly was able to chat with Ardchoille yesterday on my chat channel... right before I had to run out the door to go to my kids schools.. (can't believe school starts tomorrow here in Georgia) hopefully we can chat more often... and a X Marks channel would be great...