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  1. #1
    Join Date
    8th February 04
    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
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    Philly (PA) Area, Sept 18th

    Guys and Gals,

    Clear your calendar for September 18th. It's that time again. Time for some
    good food, good music and good friends... in KILTS of course! This is a RARE
    occasion where a kilt night is scheduled for a Tuesday, but it will still be a
    great time and you can make it an early evening if you'd like!

    We have 2 "events" in 1 evening. First, there's a NEW Irish Pub / Restaurant
    in Phoenixville! Molly McGuire's is slated to be open (I confirmed it with the
    owner this morning) by Sept 18th...

    ALSO on the 18th, Scotland's best kept secret, Dougie MacLean is going to be at
    the Colonial Theatre! Ticket prices are $22 (balcony), $26.50 (back half of
    theatre), $32 (front half of theatre). To help take the edge off a bit, we
    have procured special coupons for USA KILTS CUSTOMERS for $5 off tickets.
    Also, we're running a contest GIVING AWAY tickets (see info at bottom of this

    Here's the skinny on the kilt night itself:

    Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

    6 PM: If you'd like to meet up for dinner, we'll be going to Molly McGuires
    (corner of Main and Bridge Streets... 1 block from USA Kilts Store) at 6 PM. If
    you plan on attending DINNER, please let me know in advance so I can make group
    reservations... give me your name and how many people you will have total.

    7:30 PM: The Dougie MacLean show starts at 7:30 at the Colonial Theatre (1/2
    block from USA Kilts Store). For tickets to this show, please contact the
    Colonial Theatre box office at 610.917.1228 or buy them at the door.
    ***Remember to pick up your $5 off coupon (at USA Kilts store) BEFORE you buy

    10 PM (or AROUND 10 PM): After the show, some people may opt to go home and
    get some sleep for work the next day. For those "night owls" among us, we can
    head back down to Molly's for a post concert pint or two!

    FREE TICKET GIVEAWAY: We have 4 pairs of tickets to give away to the Dougie
    MacLean concert.

    For every kilt purchased from USA Kilts (ANY kilt... Casual, Semi Trad, 5 Yarder,
    Premier, Mini Kilt or Kilted skirt) OR for any in store purchase OVER $100,
    between NOW and Sept 15th, you will be entered into a drawing for free
    tickets. Winners will receive 2 free tickets (each) to the concert. So what
    are you waiting for? You know you've had your eye on that new American
    Heritage Casual kilt...

    Hope to make it a great Kilt Night!
    Last edited by RockyR; 16th August 07 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th February 07
    Norristown, PA
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    Bad timing on this one. I'll be on the vacation the whole month of September on a cross country road trip. I'll be back just in time for the Celtic Classic in Bethlehem PA.

    Have fun.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    8th February 05
    Chester County, PA
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    Sounds great - my birthday is the 19th and I have been looking for an excuse to celebrate my 45 years on this planet. This sounds like this will fit the bill ... and it is only a 30 min drive from home to boot
    "I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
    - Franklin P. Adams

  4. #4
    Join Date
    8th February 04
    3389 Schuylkill Rd, Spring City, PA 19475
    3 Post(s)
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    updated original post's info...

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