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  1. #1
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Back from small vacation

    Took a 3 day, mid-week vacation.
    Went to Assateague Island, and camped on the sand dunes.
    Just Wife, daughter and myself... very relaxing... always like it there... fall asleep to the sounds of surf & waves.
    Back to work tomorrow, though.

    Man... you go away for a few days, and there's weeks worth of new posts, here!
    Last edited by acstoon; 17th August 07 at 06:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Mike1's Avatar
    Mike1 is offline
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    Welcome back. It sounds as if you had a nice break.

    I believe I might be ready for one myself, as I had to look up a definition for the word 'vacation'.

  3. #3
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Just remember...
    I was the only male, in our little group...
    I was camping with:
    My notoriously adventurous wife, and my teen-American-princess daughter.
    (talk about diversity)
    I camped/backpacked a lot in my youth & early adulthood. For me, camping is a minimalistic endeavour: "if you can't carry it 20 miles, you don't need it."
    To my wife, camping means filling every available space & void within my PT Cruiser with supplies.
    My daughter's idea of camping can be summed up with a question she posed: "Are there mirrors where we're going?"

    I may need a vacation from my "vacation". LOL

    Seriously, we had a good time, thanks.

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