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  1. #1
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    Kilted Senior Photo

    Okay so I have a parental unit...(aka my mom) who has decided that I MUST get my senior photo taken for this monumental period of my life documented via photographs. That said I pretty much get the say of what I get to wear/where they are taken so I thought what the heck, why not get a kilted one while I'm doing this. I mean I'll have the average banjo playing one, random pic of me by a body of water and the killer "OH MY WORD HE'S IN A KILT!!!" picture. There is only one problem to this venture, I don't really have the outfit for it. I have a five yard wool kilt that I got from Kiltedfirepiper and a pair of ghillies, white hose and flashes from USAK and a belt with a buckle, but that just doesn't scream dressy to me. I wear the outfit once in a while with friends et all, but does anyone know of a way I could get it to "pop?" Would it be worth investing in a vest w/the same tartan and wearing that or does anyone know where abouts a cheap Argyle coat can be found (other than Evilbay?)

    Jim H.

    P.S. Does anyone know of a awesome place to get a kilted photo in SE WI?

  2. #2
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    How about a casual kilted banjo playing photo taken by the water?

  3. #3
    BEEDEE's Avatar
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    A white shirt and solid color tie would dress that up nicely. You seem to be missing a sporran so that would be my suggestion for the next item to buy.


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  4. #4
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    Woops thanks for catching the thing about the sporran, actually I have a solid black semi-dress sporran with black tassels and a lion carved into it. What I usually go with is a black dress shirt with a silver/chrome tie to match. I was just looking for something to make people go wow. It's pretty much a guarentee though, that the picture will be talked about for many years to come. I think that it still will take second seat to the guy who got his senior photo in a rabbit costume though.

  5. #5
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    Hey, Jim, your sporran sounds fine. Sportkilt offers a reasonably priced Prince Charlie. I'm not sure how much use you'd get out of it, but at your age it might be worth the investment. I get the impression that the vest usually matches the jacket rather than the kilt, unless it's in a bright solid, like gold or white. Your tie, on the other hand, could be something you can match to your kilt.

  6. #6
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    First make sure the photographer shoots from about your waist height. That shows the kilt fit and makes you look taller.

    Even though cameras don't lie, they can fib (or photoshop). My son had a classy leather jacket he wanted pics of. We found a steam vent and he walked through it, between traffic, a number of times until we had one with the mist covering everything except him. Very James Dean.

    Kilts look good on cliffs and mountain tops. You never really see the other side of the hill/cliff so any rise can work.

    Swords are fun props but try to keep vaguely period and mid-stride otherwise it looks silly.

    Use digital so you can pose, look, correct and pose again.

    Have fun.

    Or send a pic here of what you've got and let our advisory staff assist you. (But not Panache, it's almost Pink Day and you might get drafted to support him.)

  7. #7
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    For an inexpensive Argyle might I suggest finding a tartan shop in your area and seeing if they have anything on consignment, I have picked up a couple that way for as little as $40.00.

  8. #8
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    As for where to take your picture, you might ask a photographer in town who does weddings where they go for outdoor portraits. They probably know the prime places.

  9. #9
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    I already have a photographer online but I was just looking for ideas.

  10. #10
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    I'd suggest picking up a Black Argyll vest. You can wear it with a White dress shirt and black tie and it will transform the whole outfit for a "reasonable" cost. Also... it's the best way I know to look dressy without wearing a jacket.

    Or you can go with a "dressy-casual" look by removing the tie and rolling the cuffs a bit.

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