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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st April 07
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    Review: Stillwater Leather Kilt Jacket

    I recently received an unexpected windfall. And, while in spring a man's thoughts may turn to love, in autumn they turn to jackets. Specifically, to jackets which don't look dorky, so that next spring, he might score some of that good love junk. Mmm... love. Oops, sorry, got distracted.

    Anyway, I ordered from Stillwater on Friday, about noon Arizona time, which I think made it about two o'clock Minesota time, and I suspect that Jerry made the Friday evening post, even though I didn't get the email notification saying it had shipped until Saturday morning. Why do I suspect that? Because the package showed up at the dorm today, Monday. The only alternative explanation involves pacts signed in blood.

    It would be a good time, I suppose, to mention that I still don't have a digital camera, so there will be no pictures accompanying this review. Mea Culpa. Buying one is in my plans, really. Soon.

    So, the package showed up, and I opened it in the parking lot. Jerry had tossed in some of his business cards, which immediately got stuck in my sporran, for the next time someone asks me about getting a kilt of their own. He'd also put in the jacket.

    My first impression was that the jacket was lighter than I'd expected, but then, most of my experience is with cow and goat leather, not lambskin. It had the right smell, though, and as I looked closely, I saw that there were the tell-tale tiny imperfections in the grain of the leather which said that it was actually off a beast, rather than manufactured.

    The color is truly lovely, a deep black. The lapels are notch-cut, like a suit jacket. There's a breast pocket on the outside of the left breast (which I can only presume is there for my iPod ); two hand pockets, one on either side of the rib / waist area; and two inside pockets, the right one of which is zippered.

    The jacket is fully lined, with what the label tells me is a 100% polyester fabric. Feels kind of satin-y. There is one button, which is black plastic, properly attached with a smaller button on the back side to distribute the strain. The cuffs of the sleeves are straight "barrel" cuffs, with no decoration, turn-backs, or other stuff. The front of the sleeve is a single piece of leather, while the backs have a seam at about elbow level.

    Despite my pre-order concerns, the jacket sleeves do cover my wrists, and the shoulders are wide enough. The opening of the jacket nicely frames my sporran, and the jacket is short enough that it doesn't interfere with the swing of pleats.

    Wearing it over my wooly-pully looked great, and as I was somewhat over-warm in the combination, I anticipate that the jacket and a sweater will get me through the winter in warmth and style.

    So, grades:

    Customer Service: A
    Quality of Construction: A
    Value for Price: A
    Overall: A

    Chance I'll buy from this firm again: Definate!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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    With no camera you tease us. I know there is a lot of interest with this jacket. Hopefully now that members are getting them somebody will finally post pictures.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    With no camera you tease us.
    I know, and I'm sorry. But I figure it's better that there's a review at all, if only my prose, and no pictures.

    Heh. Maybe, with all the reviewing I've done, Panache will write me into his serial as the guy who reviews the Acryli-beast, and I'll get a cool quote for my sig, too.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall View Post
    Heh. Maybe, with all the reviewing I've done, Panache will write me into his serial as the guy who reviews the Acryli-beast, and I'll get a cool quote for my sig, too.
    The line forms behind me and then all of those lives that I've purposely endangered for my ill gotten gains. Oh and after reading the latest installment I might not change my sig. Queen indeed!

    My problem with jacket (and shirts under $100) have been the sleeve length. What size did you get and what's the sleeve length? This will make up for lack of pics.

  5. #5
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    Great review. And you know, even in California it gets a bit chilly come winter...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    My problem with jacket (and shirts under $100) have been the sleeve length. What size did you get and what's the sleeve length?
    I have a similar problem -- it seems I have monkey arms. I bought an XL, and the sleeve, measured from where the shoulder seams meet straight down the arm to the cuff, is 26" / 66 cm.

  7. #7
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    Before I was gifted with a digital camera was able to post pics by getting one of them disposable cameras then having it developed to disc too. Course understand your budget is tight. Just an alternate method.

    Wondering how that would go with a leather kilt.....
    Last edited by Riverkilt; 2nd October 07 at 08:43 AM. Reason: fresh leather fumes
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    There are a couple of pictures here but they don't do it justice. The review is good but I would like to see better pictures than these.
    For such a good product idea, there are only these pictures and the sellers.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    There are a couple of pictures here but they don't do it justice. The review is good but I would like to see better pictures than these.
    For such a good product idea, there are only these pictures and the sellers.

    Hey, did any of you guys notice that there's a guy in this photo. Man, those optical illusions really kill me.

    Good job, archangel.
    Jim Killman
    Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  10. #10
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    alot of my pics nowadays are from my cell phone......2.0 megs it actually takes pretty good pics, the pics from my nevada fire trip were taken with said phone.

    if you have texting, you can e-mail the pics to your mail, then DL them to a photobucket account.....OR just send them to your photobucket account straight from the phone( its one of the newer features on PB )

    it beats no pics at all
    nice jacket BTW....I'll have to see if its in the cards to get one myself ( read ask the wifey)

    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

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