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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Purchase of tartan

    I just received an 8 yard kilt length of Armstrong ancient, about 13oz I think, and a 4yard double width piece of 16oz modern Morrison, made by Peter MacArthur, of Hamilton.

    I shall sit and gloat over it for a while. It is beautiful material.

    The size of the sett is 7 and 1/4 inches on the Armstrong and 6 and 1/2inches on the Morrison.

    I was considering pleating to the sett with the Armstrong, and to the red stripe on the Morrison.

  2. #2
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    And you're telling us because you want us to be all GREEN with envy?

    OK - It worked!

    I'm GREEN!

    Now that I've had my fun...... good luck with the new kilt....... Pictures?

  3. #3
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    Alas it might have been something along those lines which made me just have to post - that and no one else around here doing anything more than say 'Hmmm - why did you buy that?' or 'How much?!!!!'

    They just don't understand.

    There will be photos.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pleater View Post
    Alas it might have been something along those lines which made me just have to post - that and no one else around here doing anything more than say 'Hmmm - why did you buy that?' or 'How much?!!!!'

    They just don't understand.

    There will be photos.
    Yes, Yes, post pics of the material!
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

    A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    And you're telling us because...
    There is no "because" when it comes to wool tartan material. Just ask Pleater, or anyone who has run his or her hands across the fabric and deep into its folds, hefted the colorful, slippery stack of folded layers, and inhaled deeply the addictive aroma of finely woven threads. There is a point where one may decide to forgo the arduous labor of sewing - just wrap the tartan around the body and dance about the house with sheer pleasure... (oops... )
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
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    Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url]http://way2noisy.blogspot.com[/url]

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by way2fractious View Post
    There is no "because" when it comes to wool tartan material. Just ask Pleater, or anyone who has run his or her hands across the fabric and deep into its folds, hefted the colorful, slippery stack of folded layers, and inhaled deeply the addictive aroma of finely woven threads. There is a point where one may decide to forgo the arduous labor of sewing - just wrap the tartan around the body and dance about the house with sheer pleasure... (oops... )
    Me? I just twitch and drool.

    i have a number of friends, all lasses in my "other online world" where we have a term for people like w2f, Pleater and myself. It combines the word "fabric" with another word, usually reserved for extravagent women of unsavory reputation and undisciplined desires, and that rhymes with "nut".

    I know full well that I am going to hear about this post, especially the "undiscplined desires", from the F-H C.A.G. for WEEKS....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by way2fractious View Post
    ...snip... run his or her hands across the fabric and deep into its folds, hefted the colorful, slippery stack of folded layers, and inhaled deeply the addictive aroma of finely woven threads. There is a point where one may decide to forgo the arduous labor of sewing - just wrap the tartan around the body and dance about the house with sheer pleasure... (oops... )
    And, in my case, one would rapidly break out in an ugly and extremely itchy rash!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    Me? I just twitch and drool.

    ...snip...combines the word "fabric" with another word, usually reserved for extravagent women of unsavory reputation and undisciplined desires, and that rhymes with "nut".

    I know full well that I am going to hear about this post, especially the "undiscplined desires", from the F-H C.A.G. for WEEKS....
    I think you and Richard need to get a room Alan!

    Be well,

  8. #8
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    <wag wag wag wag>

    I'm waiting on Douglas Tartan at the moment. I know how you feel. Last season I hung the rolls of textile from our ceiling fabric rack. Once a week I would pull them down and run my hands over them.


    Institutio postulo novus informatio supersto
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G. View Post
    And, in my case, one would rapidly break out in an ugly and extremely itchy rash!
    See, Alan? The F-H.B-T.C.A.G. needs a long-sleeve, knee-length leine so she can dance, twitch and drool with us while draped in massive volumes of wool tartan. Pleater doesn't seem to have the same reaction to wool.
    "Listen Men.... You are no longer bound down to the unmanly dress of the Lowlander." 1782 Repeal.
    * * * * *
    Lady From Hell vs Neighbor From Hell @ [url]http://way2noisy.blogspot.com[/url]

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I just received an 8 yard kilt length of Armstrong ancient, about 13oz I think, and a 4yard double width piece of 16oz modern Morrison, made by Peter MacArthur, of Hamilton. (Pleater.)
    It is really excellent material. I recently purchased an 8yd. length of Hunting Fraser and the quality is, IMHO, actually better than Lochcarron's Strome. I had seriously considered the Ancient Armstrong, but went with the Fraser because it is 16 oz. and a Government pattern. (#19 - Lovat Scouts.)

    I just finished turning it into another MBP to the sett kilt, which turned out well. I still need to figure out how to reduce the length of time it takes to sort out the pleats. (Pics to follow.)

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