A friend of mine set this too me with the caption "too true!!!". I figured since it was coming up to flu and cold season, that some of you guys might get a laugh out of this too.
Personally I don't see what point this friend was trying to make. She obviously doesn't understand the severity of a man cold.
I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
The urban village of Mt. Washington, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
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Originally Posted by Panache
I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.
I'm puzzled. My father and I never get colds, I'm surprised other men do. We may sneeze, cough, feel run down, suffer aches and pains, suffer sore throats and such, but we don't get colds. Because if one has a cold one just sits about doing nothing but feeling sorry for one's self. No no no! There is work to be done and stuff to do. We may take a bit of cold medicine to treat the aforementioned symptoms (and drink a little more coffee than usual to keep going) but we certainly don't have colds.
Everyone knows that men either have minor symptoms that they ignore, or they are down with the plague. There is no middle ground.
Of course, that doesn't mean we can't take the occasional "well day" to pursue manly things.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
Once, when I was a college undergrad and before I had entered the convent myself, I had a TERRIBLE cold. One of the older Sisters gave me a small mayonaise jar (cleaned, of course) filled with whiskey. She told me to go home and mix it with lemon juice and use such and such ounces mixed with this and that.
Well, as a poor college student, I didn't have any this or that or lemons, and I could not figure how much whiskey was the equivalent of "X" ounces...SO...I just drank down the entire jar! I must say, I slept VERY WELL that night!