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  1. #1
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    Regular work day

    Finally, I've got around to getting some pics of the X Marks kilt I made from the second run of the tartan!

    This is a normal work outfit and the picture is taken in my office which was in quite a disarray at the moment.

    No pleat pic at the moment, as it didn't come out well and I've noticed I have to iron those suckers as a few have become quite creased over the past 18 months or so, but I did manage to grab my first Hamish pose

  2. #2
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    St. Theresa on one side. A Guinness tin poster on the other. What's the deploma?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk Skene View Post
    St. Theresa on one side. A Guinness tin poster on the other. What's the deploma?
    If you think that's a juxtaposition, you should see the rest of the office. Along one wall I have my little icon corner, which is also near an old "Lovely day for a Guinness" poster. The adjacent wall has two pictures by a local artist specializing in fantasy prints, one of which is Bilbo and Gandalf discussing the Ring and the other a bunch of dragons sitting around a table playing "Houses & Humans".

    Needless to say, people think I'm a bit off ;)

    The diploma is my BA from American University, soon to (hopefully) be joined by a MLS from Drexel University.

    Quote Originally Posted by Galician
    Did you convert the jacket?
    That one is a tweed argyle from Scottishkilts.net, but I did convert the jacket (a brown cotton number bought on sale at JCPenny's a while ago) I'm wearing today. If my camera wasn't acting up (again), I'd take snaps. Maybe tomorrow.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schultz View Post
    If you think that's a juxtaposition, you should see the rest of the office. Along one wall I have my little icon corner, which is also near an old "Lovely day for a Guinness" poster. The adjacent wall has two pictures by a local artist specializing in fantasy prints, one of which is Bilbo and Gandalf discussing the Ring and the other a bunch of dragons sitting around a table playing "Houses & Humans".

    Needless to say, people think I'm a bit off ;)

    The diploma is my BA from American University, soon to (hopefully) be joined by a MLS from Drexel University.

    That one is a tweed argyle from Scottishkilts.net, but I did convert the jacket (a brown cotton number bought on sale at JCPenny's a while ago) I'm wearing today. If my camera wasn't acting up (again), I'd take snaps. Maybe tomorrow.
    "Houses & Humans"???
    You should post that one!!

    Of what saints do you have icons? It's rare to see an image of St. Teresa on display, usually it's St. Thérèse.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    "Houses & Humans"???
    You should post that one!!
    Once the camera starts working (I forgot to "eject" it from the computer after uploading my photos and it always stops working for about 12 hours afterwards for som reason) I'll do that. It's very amusing.

    Of what saints do you have icons? It's rare to see an image of St. Teresa on display, usually it's St. Thérèse.
    It actually is St. Therese of Lisieux and it's a print of on an original painted by her sister Celine that's at the Pope John Paul II Center in DC.

    As for the other icons, there are, of course, Christ and the Theotokos, one of St. Joseph the Betrothed (a gift of an archimandrite after I landed my present job) and one of Sts. Peter and Andrew. There's also an icon of St. Michael the Archangel (my patron saint). I'd like to get one of St. Jerome, as I'm a librarian and it would round out the area really well. Once the camera starts working again, I'll take a snap of the area as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan
    I wonder what your co-workers would have thought if they walked by during your Hamish?
    Most likely they would have thought it par for the course ;)
    Last edited by Schultz; 27th February 08 at 11:27 AM. Reason: clean up quote tags

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galician View Post
    "Houses & Humans"???
    You should post that one!!

    Of what saints do you have icons? It's rare to see an image of St. Teresa on display, usually it's St. Thérèse.
    No more kilt pics today, but, as requested, here are the pics of the two R. C. Matteson drawings in my office, as well as one of the icons in my icon corner at work.

    I'll get a snap of my jacket conversion up later this afternoon.
    Last edited by Schultz; 4th March 08 at 09:54 AM. Reason: fixed link

  7. #7
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    Nice photo! Did you convert the jacket?

    Good catch, Dirk!

  8. #8
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    Great photos. Just remember a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind, so do not worry about the disarray.
    Glen McGuire

    A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.

  9. #9
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    Very nice job. Looks fantastic!

  10. #10
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Nice turn-out! I wonder what your co-workers would have thought if they walked by during your Hamish?

    Houses and Humans sets my imagination to twirling. I need to google that one.

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