9th March 08, 02:19 PM
Waiting in KC
I am bored in Kansas City right now. Downto KC to be more precise. I am surprised that there is not more to do, but then again it is Sunday. I find this place to be rather drab, but I managed to wander to the KC public library which is the most amazingly fantastic library I have ever visited. Anway, why am I in KC? MEPS. Thats military entrance processing for those who don't know. 2 weeks ago I started the processing, got through the physical and testing only to find out that I dont qualify because of my eyesight. While I am correctable to 20/20, the refraction on my cornea is just a smidge to negative. . . .(I'm no optometrist). The Navy, which is the branch I am trying to enter, is working on getting me a waiver. Tomorrow I have a consultation with an eye doctor to see if I get that waiver. I am trying not to get my hopes up, but this has been something I have wanted to do since I was a little kid. Guess we will see how it goes.
9th March 08, 02:37 PM
I really hope it works out for you.
I may be signing up for a career in the Idaho air national guard and I have limited hearing in one ear, so I have similar worries.
Here's to you getting into your dream job!!!
9th March 08, 04:28 PM
Good luck with the ocular stuff! If the Navy says "eye-eye" and passes you, will you still be taking up your internship in Washington DC?
9th March 08, 05:19 PM
When did you get here? Yesterday was the FIRST robotics regionals.
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
10th March 08, 09:03 AM
i still plan on taking up the internship. i am hoping to delay shipping till the fall. i got into town on the 9th and have been busy since! posting via smart phone btw.
10th March 08, 09:24 AM
I spent a week-end in KC last year.
Check out Union Station also find yourself some local BBQ!!
Good Luck!
10th March 08, 09:40 AM
 Originally Posted by Kilted in Maine
I spent a week-end in KC last year.
Check out Union Station also find yourself some local BBQ!!
Good Luck!
I too once spent a year one week-end in KC.......
10th March 08, 09:52 AM
Yes, I did have Jimmy Buffet on my mind this morning as tickets just went on sale today.
and no, I was unable to get any...
10th March 08, 01:15 PM
11th March 08, 07:55 AM
Back in the ozarks
Well, I am back home now. Everything with my eyes is healthy, I am just extremely near sighted but correctable to 20/20. Now I get to wait. Thanks for the encouragement gents. It has helped.
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