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  1. #1
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    Wrestling with my conscience...

    Well, I am ordering a few kilts before I leave. A bit of a gift to myself since I got some compensation money fro getting mugged.
    Now, my military box pleat is being ordered right now, so I have that to look forward to.
    I am also going to get a few more acrylic kilts. There's a shop on Ebay I haven't bought from before, but a friend of mine has and I really like the quality for the kilts.
    The first one which I am sure I will get is the 'Freedom of Scotland' tartan.
    I doubt it's registered, but I like it and I am getting it.

    Here's the problem, I was considering getting the Scottish National tartan, too.
    I like it.
    Then I saw this...

    The 'Heritage of Wales' tartan.
    I REALLLLLLY like it. It reminds me a little of the Prince of Wales tartan which I plan to get in a while.
    But I like to have some kind of links to a tartan.
    The only like I can find to this is that my wife has some Welsh family about a million generations ago.

    Should I go ahead and get it?
    McClef, Derek, can you give me your Welsh blessing?

  2. #2
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    I don't think you need 'permission' from anyone to buy or wear a tartan that you like. As someone said somewhere else, about the only time you might get into trouble is by wearing a military or police tartan if you haven't served. Otherwise go for it. They both look really nice. How about both?
    His Grace Lord Stuart in the Middle of Fishkill St Wednesday

  3. #3
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    Go for it Arlen, treat yourself, it looks good.

  4. #4
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    Gee, they both look nice. If I HAD to choose though, it'd be #2.

  5. #5
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    I can only answer based on my own feelings. As long as money is not really an issue I would get that tartans that I liked. If you really like a tartan you will enjoy wearing it much more. You are a Scotsman and I am a US. citizen with some Scottish Kennedy blood. That said, we both have ties to blood lines that are "Celtic." Certainly Wales is Celtic. Both of those kilts are beautiful tartans and I would not hesitate for an instant to wear them myself over here in the US. In fact, I would not hesitate to wear them if I didn't have a drop of Scottish/Celtic blood.

    I wear the kilts I like, but always study, if necessary, to "know about" the kilts I wear. I do this out of respect for the kilt and what it represents - not because of bloodline connection. Even though I have some Kennedy blood, I don't wear any of the Kennedy tartans because I simply do not like any of them. I hope this helps, or eases your mind a bit. Best wishes on your final selection.


  6. #6
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Not possible to give you a Welsh blessing - But I really like the second one!

  7. #7
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    Well, after careful consideration I think I am going to go ahead and get it.
    It's a beautiful tartan and I really like and respect Wales (And their Rugby team) so I'll bite the bullet.
    I am going to get both of the kilts pictured and that can be my farewell gift to myself!

    Thanks for all the support, lads.

  8. #8
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    Congrats Arlen. And if it is from the My Tartan E-bay seller he is quite good. I bought my first kilt from him. Good service. (The Kilt now resides with my younger sister who wears it to church quite often, she is shorter and so it looks like a nice skirt on her!)
    Wear in good health,
    "There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
    ~Christopher Morley

  9. #9
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    the second one, thats an awesome tartan.

    you dont need permission from anybody!
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlen View Post
    Well, after careful consideration I think I am going to go ahead and get it.
    Go for it! If you like that one, by all means wear it as a tribute to Diane.

    As I read it, all the "Welsh" tartans (and other tartan-like weaves :-) are fashion tartans, anyway. I like two of them that are named after my family lines, which means almost but not quite nothing. It will mean something to me.
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
    gainfully unemployed systems programmer

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