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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tattoo Parlour Etiquette

    Should one "tip" the tattoo artist above and beyond the stated price of the work, as one would tip a hair stylist for example?

    For the first time in MANY years, I have an appointment for some new ink tomorrow afternoon (will post pics)....


    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I alway tip the artist. Many have to split the price of the ink with the shop owner. So even if you pay a few hundred dollars for the tattoo, the artist only get part of the money. Take care of the people who serve you food, and those that mark your body.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Absolutely. I spend a lot of time in the chair (44+ hrs and counting) and yep, I still tip. I will continue to tip until the work is done.
    Now, not all of my tipping action has been monetary. My artist loves his black Utilikilt Mocker!

  4. #4
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    If you've ever had ink done, then I'm surprised you even asked? Unless it's a pre-arranged agreement in someone's basement, garage or jail, then I think you would look forward to dropping some extra coin in the artist's pocket, especially if you're really satisfied with the end-product.

  5. #5
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    I have always gone to a artist who owns the shop and we agree on a price before the work was done. Find out if the artist is the owner, if not then I feel a tip is in order. I work as a handyman and I have very seldom gotten a tip from a client and don't expect one. Now when I bartend that is another Story.

    Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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  6. #6
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    Take it from someone who was once a full-time tattooist: TIP YOUR ARTIST!

    There's an old addage:


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I think it's a legitimate question (I'm in my 50's, and haven't gotten a tat in many moons!). Your good tattoo artists of today are skilled professionals who demand and receive top dollar for their work - an hourly rate beyond most plumbers and electricians, for example, and comparable to many lawyers. (A LOT more than I make per hour, I assure you!) I don't tip those folks when I retain their services.
    The guy doing my tattoo tomorrow has been at it for 20 years, and is the business owner. He's very successful, financially speaking. It strikes me as slightly silly - perhaps even a tad insulting - to offer him a tip as if he were some kid waiting tables, or a girl cutting hair. It's rather like tipping a partner in a law firm who's done some legal work for you.

    All that being said, I will tip him, and hope he doesn't snicker at me...!

    "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
    I think it's a legitimate question (I'm in my 50's, and haven't gotten a tat in many moons!). Your good tattoo artists of today are skilled professionals who demand and receive top dollar for their work - an hourly rate beyond most plumbers and electricians, for example, and comparable to many lawyers. (A LOT more than I make per hour, I assure you!) I don't tip those folks when I retain their services.
    The guy doing my tattoo tomorrow has been at it for 20 years, and is the business owner. He's very successful, financially speaking. It strikes me as slightly silly - perhaps even a tad insulting - to offer him a tip as if he were some kid waiting tables, or a girl cutting hair. It's rather like tipping a partner in a law firm who's done some legal work for you.

    All that being said, I will tip him, and hope he doesn't snicker at me...!
    I agree that there's often not a lot of logic on who gets tips and who doesn't. To add my input, though, I've got two tats and have given one to one of my kids and I tipped all three times. To tip or not to tip (and how much) is always at the discretion of the tipper so do what you feel is right.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I tip my tat guy. In my eyes its being very greatful for his or her time and talent.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I guess, in a way, I did tip, but not with money. I just got my second tat and the lady and owner of the shop remembered my name. Now that might not seem out of the ordinary, but she said that she never remembers her clients names. Well, the reason she remembered mine, is that my son makes all sorts of candy for Christmas that he gives out as gifts to people at work. He then brings the left overs home for us.

    We eat lots and give a few small buckets of candy away and I brought a 5 quart ice cream bucket over half full of his caramels, and other treats. They just loved it there, as it is a piercing place too, as I guess most tattoo places are. They still talk about the candy. So I said, you will have to knock some off the price of my tattoo that I just got, and I will bring in candy at Christmas. I don't know if she did, but she said my sun/moon tat is the best one she's every seen or done. Email me if you want a picture.


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