30th April 08, 03:56 AM
Kid's Tartans
As I do not want to hijack the "Pink Tartan" Thread, here is another one with a few of my little Louise's favorite tartans !
If your kids (teenagers as well) have favourites, let's talk about it !
Here is a favourite : "MacBarbie" !

and here is MacBabar ! (Do you know Babar , the King of the elephants ?)

Last edited by Ancienne Alliance; 30th April 08 at 04:02 AM.
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
30th April 08, 04:08 AM
When I was a little kid, I had a Bernard the mouse doll from the movie "The rescuers," and he had a tartan hat on. It wasn't in the movie, though. May have been kind of like the Wallace tartan, but I'm trying to remember from twenty-five or so years back...
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
30th April 08, 04:27 AM
sometime last year there was the Shrek/McDuck tartan discussion going on. Maybe somebody can find that thread and re-post some of the pix here.
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye"
30th April 08, 04:39 AM
Just a quick observation of the first tartan posted. This is a wonderful example of an asymmetric (non-matching, non-centered tartan), for those of you who have wondered what an asymmetric tartan looks like.
There is a Shrek tartan that was recorded with the Scottish Tartans Authority last year. It's tartan 7259. Pic below. And it's not copyrighted. So, who's gonna be the first to have a custom-woven length for a kilt??
30th April 08, 07:11 AM
My daughter currently only has an Irish National from SWK. We just ordered her a Fraser from Sport Kilt. She really wants a Cameron tartan, because she has a couple of friends are named Cameron.
I actually like the "MacBarbie". What was the source?
30th April 08, 07:22 AM
 Originally Posted by Kent Frazier
My daughter currently only has an Irish National from SWK. We just ordered her a Fraser from Sport Kilt. She really wants a Cameron tartan, because she has a couple of friends are named Cameron.
I actually like the "MacBarbie". What was the source?
Well, I just invented that name ! We just picked it up from a local cloth shop here in France !
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
I love asymetrical tartans. The Welsh seem to do that more than the Scots ....
 Originally Posted by Roan Carter
I love asymetrical tartans. The Welsh seem to do that more than the Scots ....
Actually, the Welsh tartans aren't asymmetrical. An asymmetric Scottish tartan has identical warp and weft, but the repeat is something like
ABC ABC ABC ABC (no pivots, no mirror points)
rather than
ABACABAC (pivots at B and C)
The Welsh tartans typically have different warp and weft, although each is symmetrical. So the warp might be
but the weft might be
I remember Babar! I read many Babar books in my French classes, grades 1-4!
The only ones my kids have are the youth ones fromSWK. We are going to wear them for the first time Saturday May third at our Scottish games.
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