WW2 Wartime weekend
Next weekend ive been invited to a very special event down in Lancashire, its a 1940s wartime weekend 3 charming villages will be transported back in time to the 1940s with everyone donning 1940s garb and uniforms, the band of the Royal Fusileers will be present as will a local pipe band, Ive been asked to attend to play the part of the "Lone piper" at a service of remembeance in the presence of Several genuine WW2 veterans who despite being wheelchair bound still turn out, every year to remember everyone who played a part in the war.
the was some controversy when the event first started about Axis uniforms etc, however as the event is a festival of remeberance and education after consultation with local Rabbis they agreed that young people should get a "flavour" of what the world went through in the 1940s.
heres the website, there are steam trains and authentic WW2 Vehicles its a fantastic weekend and I will of course be taking my camera for lots of pics.
Heres apic from last year wehen I was taken prisoner by the SS
it is actually quite unsettling to see the Axis forces marching into these Quaint English Villages, which for historical accuracy are dressed as occupied France
Have a great time, try not to get captured again.
Very nice i do so enjoy the pictures on here.
I can't help it,but those German uniforms give me the creeps.I used to see a lot of POW's out and about helping on farms and in the forestry and on the whole they were alright,but some were awful.
KO here we go pics arent brilliant Im afraid ,had a great time though
Main street decked out as VE day with period vehicles and re-enactors

The Germans arrive (I think thats called a Kubalwagon or something)

as guests and visitors arrived I was there to pipe them on the platform

the parade started with the band of the Lancashire fusileers, who incidently faught at Culloden under Genreal Woolfe

after the service with guests including, the mayor , veterans and a Royal naval captain, there was a 2 minutes silence to remember the fallen the the last post was sounded and after that I played "amazing grace" int he presence or the veterans the atmosphere was electric

one of the authentic vehicles

I crept in for this one

The train steams into the station (For Alec)

Churchill arrives
the "yanks" arrive

Some of the vehicles, the attention to detail is staggering

this radio equipment was in one of jeeps and it was blaring out orders and static , so much attention to detail

Heres another shot of the train

Slainthe' another mission overwith !!
Last edited by highlander_Daz; 25th May 08 at 01:26 PM.
I am reading a French translation of the story of Piper Bill Millin.
D-Day's Piper in Normandy. A fantastic book.
Anyone read it ?
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
Wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing this event with us.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
26th May 08, 09:23 AM
Great pictures Daz.You look fantastic in your piper uniform
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