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  1. #1
    Join Date
    21st December 06
    Phoenixville, PA
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    My new band is playing tomorrow (VA)!

    Hello all,
    I just wanted to share this - my recently formed celtic group - Punkass McGee, will be playing a folk festival in Aldie, VA tomorrow! We are: me on guitar and two lovely young ladies; one on fiddle and one on the bodhran. We play some traditional fiddle tunes of the Isles but sometimes mix up the beat a bit (a la Solas), and some other random music. This is a lot of fun; we're already booked for a wedding party later this month and our debut was a St. Patrick's day event for over 500 people!

    The name of the band was inspired by a somewhat sarcastic term of endearment by which we address each other.

    And one of the rules is - the ladies require that I be kilted for all performances! You gotta love that!

    The event tomorrow is "semi-private" as it is at someone's home/farm out in Aldie VA - however, if anyone is interested you can go to myspace and look up mountvillefolkfestival, or simply type that in (as all one word) following www myspace dot com slash. Invitations and directions will be available to those who ask politely. It's a great great time! I know we're competing with a local festival and all kinds of other things - this has traditionally been a folk thing; we're the first to bring a little rambunctious celtic music to it. For more (but not much more) on Punkass McGee, you can visit our myspace page; simply go to myspace dot com slash punkassmcgee -

    And we're looking for other excuses to play! So feel free to send me a message. Among our requirements are Guinness and (a wee dram of) whisky. Out in the hills of VA I guess it'll be moonshine.

    Have kilts, will travel.

    Best to all,


    doug brouder
    fairfax, va

    PS I'll try to get some pictures at the event!
    Last edited by ManuFortiDB; 13th June 08 at 08:14 AM. Reason: to add additional information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th November 06
    Mountain View, CA, USA
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    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th October 07
    NE Ohio
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    Congrats. Do you guys have your own Myspace page to listen to any of your music?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
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    Good luck and have fun!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    21st December 06
    Phoenixville, PA
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    Howdy again - we have a myspace page but haven't recorded anything yet - I hope to grab a live recording from the board this weekend! In the meantime you can get the skinny at www myspace com / punkassmcgee (put in the dots and take out the spaces!)



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