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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question General Questions

    OK, so I don't have my kilt yet, but I'm hoping to place an order in about two weeks time. My question is on some of the accessories.

    In my line of work, we're issued black combat boots of various designs, such that I have several pair at any given time, and am comfortable in them. I was thinking that I would just wear a pair with the kilt when it gets here. Are combat boots OK for regular wear, or do I need to find something more appropriate?

    Secondly, I'm given to understand that for standard day wear, the sporran should be of brown leather. I'm wondering if that would look odd contrasting to my black leather boots. Which leads me to ask, is a plain design black sporran acceptable for everyday wear or is a plain brown going to be acceptable with black leather boots?

    Lastly, flashes on the stockings. Should they be worn all of the time, or only on formal/semi-formal occasions. Also, should they definitely be a flash of the tartan of the kilt, or can they be a solid color taken from the tartan, or even a different tartan all together, say designating clan affiliation when wearing a family tartan kilt?

    Thanks for the help guys,


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Casey_in_Carolina View Post
    OK, so I don't have my kilt yet, but I'm hoping to place an order in about two weeks time. My question is on some of the accessories.

    In my line of work, we're issued black combat boots of various designs, such that I have several pair at any given time, and am comfortable in them. I was thinking that I would just wear a pair with the kilt when it gets here. Are combat boots OK for regular wear, or do I need to find something more appropriate?

    Many of us wear black combat boots as casual footwear with kilts. Plain black shoes are fine for dressier occasions

    Secondly, I'm given to understand that for standard day wear, the sporran should be of brown leather. I'm wondering if that would look odd contrasting to my black leather boots. Which leads me to ask, is a plain design black sporran acceptable for everyday wear or is a plain brown going to be acceptable with black leather boots?

    Here in the states the brown as day wear thing has pretty much gone by the way side. I would (and do) wear a black sporran with black shoes and belt.

    Lastly, flashes on the stockings. Should they be worn all of the time, or only on formal/semi-formal occasions. Also, should they definitely be a flash of the tartan of the kilt, or can they be a solid color taken from the tartan, or even a different tartan all together, say designating clan affiliation when wearing a family tartan kilt?

    If you are wearing boots and have the hose scrunched down, no flashes necessary. You'll probably need flashes to keep your hose up. No mixing tartans, but solid flash colors are fine. Check out the casual style pics for examples.


    Thanks for the help guys,

    Just my opinions. Your mileage may vary.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    If your wearing black boots I'd wear a black sporran. Also if your wearing boots I'd leave the flashes off and scrunch the hose down. I'd save the flashes for when I'm wearing a nice loafer or dress shoe.

    Opinions vary, in the end go with what looks right to you when you look in the mirror.


  4. #4
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    Black boots are good. I wear mine all the time when I'm going casual. If I wear my boots, I don't wear flashes. Also the black sporran with the black boots, and probably black belt are going to be the best. It can sometimes look weird to have multiple shades of leather on.

    good luck!

  5. #5
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    Yeah, get a black casual sporran to start with. Usually wear a black sporran for casual wear. The main thing is to "match your leathers". Don't wear a brown sporran with black belts, shoes, etc. The Kilt Police won't arrest you, but it just looks wrong.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #6
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    [ The Kilt Police won't arrest you, QUOTE]

    Someone call for the Kilt Police. Please let me finish my Guiness flavored donut.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Wear combat boots with your kilt. They look cool.
    Wear brown or black accessories during the day or night. I would suggest you match them, though.
    Lastly, wear flashes or don't wear flashes.

    Do you see hwere I'm going here? It's all a matter of choice. The most important thing to remember is to be comfortable.
    [B]Clan Rose[/B]-[SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Constant and True[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][I]"I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblins; In a brand new pair of brogues to ramble o'er the bogs and frighten all the dogs " - D. K. Gavan[/I][/SIZE]

  8. #8
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    wear the boots!! they're good for casual! you don't need to wear brown for day wear, i wear black during the day.

    don't mix tartan flashes, just doesnt look good.
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    A plain black sporran with a leather strap would be fine for day wear. With the boots I'd wear hose pushed down and no flashes. This will work for any thing from a Tshirt to button down.
    What kilt are you going to buy?

    J. Robinson
    Just your average kilt wearing redneck.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdot84 View Post
    A plain black sporran with a leather strap would be fine for day wear. With the boots I'd wear hose pushed down and no flashes. This will work for any thing from a Tshirt to button down.
    What kilt are you going to buy?


    I'm just about settled on the Sport Kilt. They have it in the Clergy Tartan, which is basically just a muted version of the Clark tartan. Plus, I can actually afford it with their package deal right now to have the sewn pleats, fringed apron, etc...

    Hehe, here I am talking about buying it, and I have yet to convince the missus that I have to have it

    Anyway, I hope to have her convinced in the next two weeks or so, and then place an order


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