28th July 08, 08:25 AM
Boss lady must like me
As some of you here know I have a part time job as a line cook at a bistro style restaurant here in Memphis. Lately our brigade de cuisine has been pushed to the verge of its capacity. I am surprised we haven’t killed each other. Last Saturday, as I was checking out, the boss gave me A 1 ½lb foie gras. She said to take it home & cook it up for my wife & myself. My jaw dropped I cooked up some of it for us with caramelized onions for a midnight snack. My wife had a bit more Sunday morning as part of her breakfast in bed. We’ll finish it off tonight.
One of the 2 most decadent meats in the world, the other being Kobe beef, and I have had it 3 days in a row and am actually getting tired of it. Can you say heart attack?
28th July 08, 08:42 AM
Yeah she must like you. Sounds like the bistro is doing a fair bit of business.
...or she's trying to give you the heart attack. j/k
I have always tempered my killing with respect for the game pursued. I see the animal not only as a target but as a living creature with more freedom than I will ever have. I take that life if I can, with regret as well as joy, and with the sure knowledge that nature's ways of fang and claw or exposure and starvation are a far crueler fate than I bestow. - Fred Bear
28th July 08, 08:59 AM
Aaah! there is nothing quite like fois gras frais.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
28th July 08, 09:08 AM
It must have been the kilt
28th July 08, 10:03 AM
Heart attack
Why yes I can say heart attack
28th July 08, 10:07 AM
Heck, I can even spell hart attak. Okay, maybe not.
28th July 08, 04:37 PM
Once on NPR I heard a segment about (I think it was) some event recognizing the birthdate of Auguste Escoffier. One of the attendees interviewed was gushing over the food - necessarily excellent, considering the occasion - in a reserved, slightly snobbish sort of way. She said, "Well, if you love foie gras...," she paused, and then added conspiratorially, "and who doesn't? ..."
I don't remember what she said next, but that line has always tickled me, and I can't think of foie gras without remembering that sound bite like it was this afternoon.
Last edited by Rex_Tremende; 29th July 08 at 07:38 PM.
Reason: not Gustav
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
29th July 08, 10:56 AM
 Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
She said, "Well, if you love foie gras...," she paused, and then added conspiratorially, "and who doesn't? ..."
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
31st July 08, 06:55 AM
Sneaking around with the foie gras ; gobbling up bites while no one's looking...
Having to hide the foie gras when you hear footsteps down the hall...
"Where did you get that foie gras !!"
Last edited by Bugbear; 1st August 08 at 05:07 AM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
28th July 08, 04:52 PM
I always assumed I wouldn't like it, then had it as part of a meal in Europe, and OMG was it ever good. If we called Haggis foie agneau, would it get more respect?
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