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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd July 08
    Carmel, Indiana
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    Best non-wool casuals?

    Having recently replaced my old first kilt (a cheap woolen handmade that was five years old and beginning to die on me) with a new Sportkilt, I've been very satisfied with my purchase. Being a professional wrestler who wears the kilt in the ring, I love the fact that I can beat the crud out of this thing and it'll still bounce right back into shape with a gentle tug. And it's VERY stain resistant, I spilled a mountain dew float (awesome) all over it and it literally brushed off without a mark, without needing a wash.

    So I'm satisfied with my SportKilt, but wanted to know if anyone had any other alternatives? Obviously now that I'm on kilt 2 I'm chomping at the bit to add to my collection, and I'd love to see what other alternatives there are for tartan kilts that can take abuse.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    11th July 08
    Brunswick & St Simons Island, GA
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    Try USA Kilts, I know Im going to....

    I see youre from the fancy side of Indy..ha

  3. #3
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    Fancy is as fancy does.

    My parents live there, and I live with my parents. They're both teachers, and one is retired, so it's not like we live the way some of the trust fund neighbors do. Within six months I'll be in the Ft. Wayne area, most likely.

  4. #4
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    I'm just messin with you man. I had a few fratenity brothers (IU) that were from there and went to Carmel High and I always busted their chops. Also had some good friends in Fishers and Geist.
    Generations of my family is from Indy...once downtown and now the Southside, one sister is going to Ball State next year and another is going to Purdue (yuck)..., I'm actually very proud of them.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbaker42j View Post
    I'm just messin with you man. I had a few fratenity brothers (IU) that were from there and went to Carmel High and I always busted their chops. Also had some good friends in Fishers and Geist.
    Generations of my family is from Indy...once downtown and now the Southside, one sister is going to Ball State next year and another is going to Purdue (yuck)..., I'm actually very proud of them.
    I went to CHS for a year, too.

    Great to hear about your sisters, Ball State and Purdue are both great colleges for being in-state. I'll refrain from asking if they're single.

  6. #6
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    .....I just caught that "single" comment!

    But hey, you do wear a kilt and could protect em in my absence so its all good!

    But seriously, they are 17, and 18, I'm saying that like it matters to people anymore

    one is a partier and one is the more grounded study good girl. I bet you cant guess which one the party girl went to.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbaker42j View Post
    .....I just caught that "single" comment!

    But hey, you do wear a kilt and could protect em in my absence so its all good!

    But seriously, they are 17, and 18, I'm saying that like it matters to people anymore

    one is a partier and one is the more grounded study good girl. I bet you cant guess which one the party girl went to.
    I guess I should have specified that I'm a mere babe at 19 myself, but rest assured it was meant entirely in jest.

    Just make sure to tell her that everyone I know who didn't make it through college dropped out because of women, video games, or alcohol, and that the third was the most prevalent. I'm sure she'll be fine, though. Being young isn't something to be wasted, I'm told.

    So the general consensus is that USAKilts are equally rugged while looking perhaps slightly better for day to day wear? Hmm, that's definately worth looking more closely at.

    Any other suggestions? SWK gets a lot of praise around here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Get yourself a USAK.. and a two by four... and you might need a metal folding chair... they're louder...
    I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
    Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Crocker View Post
    Get yourself a USAK.. and a two by four... and you might need a metal folding chair... they're louder...
    What are some of the differences between a casual USAK and the standard SportKilt?

    Is the Semi-Trad worth considering for such abusive activities?

    And my favorite foreign object is the baseball bat. ;)

  10. #10
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    Check this out for the differences

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