15th August 08, 06:47 PM
The Kilt in Pro-Wrestling action, finally!
56k Warning. Also, if you have 56k, you should proooooooobably upgrade. Just saying, it's been a while. These are all from the EWF (www.ewfarena.com) show on August 9th. Brand new Sport Kilt makes it's debut. I competed in two matches that night.
First, I was in a five way elimination match, a free-for all tag match against Fallen Dragon, Dylan Bostic, Bobby Black (with his manager Kurt Awesome), and Andy Santos.
Being checked for weapons BEFORE I get in the ring. I guess us Scots have a reputation or something.
We were all brawling on the outside when Andy Santos jumped out of the ring onto all of us. Sneaky little high flyers.
I was the last to get up. Something about the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
This move is technically called an Irish Whip, but we'll call it the Scottish Whip for obvious reasons.
Good shot of the pleats, shortly before getting bulldogged out of my boots.
And THIS would be why I don't go regimental in the ring. Second match photos will be up when I have more motivation to keep copying and pasting. All of these and more are up at www.myspace.com/celticcrippler
16th August 08, 07:49 PM
That sounds great! Thanks for putting cattions on the pictures.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
16th August 08, 07:56 PM
Cool man! You should add the ole Glasgow Kiss to your signature moves
16th August 08, 10:59 PM
 Originally Posted by jbaker42j
I have been known to bust out a flying headbutt on occasion, but I never thought to call it the Glasgow Kiss. That's seriously going in the arsenal.
But I'll stick to the Bitter End and the Ness Lock for the finishers.
As far as the Scottish Teabag, I try so hard to keep it a serious gimmick that I think that might bring it all crashing down. I'm tryyying to promote the kilt as super manly.
But if it ever happens, XMarks is going to be the first place the pictures wind up at.
16th August 08, 08:06 PM
16th August 08, 08:09 PM
 Originally Posted by OFCJAX
Or the Scottish Teabag!
Then theres that!
16th August 08, 08:58 PM
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing!
17th August 08, 08:14 AM
Ah, you just got to love violent choreography...
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
20th August 08, 05:41 AM
Choreography is kind of a misnomer. Violence, though, yeah, that's pretty accurate.
Pics from my New Era title shot against Nate Phoenix:

I stole his belt to see what the fans thought of me having it. Right there he's saying something along the lines of "REFFFFFFFF! HE STOLE MY BELLLLLLLLLT! HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO STEAL MY BELLLLLT, REFFFFF!"

Waiting on the match to start.

Nate's laughing, but he's about to turn around into a big armdrag.

He kicked out.

The champ begging the Celtic Crippler to stop putting the hurt on him.

After charging in like an idiot and getting ****canned out of the ring.

Nate Phoenix cheating, miracle of miracles.
Sadly, I have no pics to detail the finish of the match. Nate threw me off the ropes, and I ducked two consecutive clotheslines before flying back at him as we both threw one. We both connected and fell, and I stumbled up to the corner. He came charging in for a big splash, I moved, and after he slammed into the turnbuckle and turned around, I hit him with a huge inverted atomic drop. He stumbled around, clutching his groin, right into a big spinebuster. I covered him, and got a two count before he put his foot on the ropes to break the count. I got up, angrily, and turned to ask the ref if he was sure his foot as on the rope. I turned around to see Nate throwing a wheelkick at me, which I ducked. I hooked him for my finisher, the Bitter End (an inverted DDT), but he swung his knee up into my face and I let go. He hit me with both fists to the gut, and then hooked me for HIS finisher, a Fisherman's Suplex. Well I wasn't having it, so I punched HIM in the gut, spun him around, and nailed the Bitter End in the middle of the ring.
I pinned him for a good eight seconds before a boot hit me in the side of the head. Apparently, half the bad guys in the locker room pulled out the ref at two, and proceeded to stomp the bejeezus out of me.

*dramatic sigh*
Perhaps another day.
20th August 08, 06:34 AM
Thank you for the lovely picture captions of the brutal kabuki dancing. I feel... savagely entertained now.
Last edited by Bugbear; 20th August 08 at 07:31 AM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
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