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  1. #1
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    Pierce Brosnan Sings (sort of)...

    I just knew that this was going to happen...

    ...now mind you, I did not go to see the movie version of Mamma Mia...obviously I was not alone. All of the reviews that I saw of the film sort of had the same point: the scenery was wonderful. Nobody really panned the film but they were all kind of saying, "hey...whaddaya want? It ain't great but that's the way it goes." Seeing Pierce Brosnan "singing" in a clip from the movie made me wish that it was Sean Connery singing instead...like he did in Darby O'Gill And The Liittle People.


    ...and here, god help us, is Pierce...you may well run out of patience with this but I include it purely as an academic exercise...


    So the local arts center has fired the first shot: they're showing the movie as a SING ALONG! I've been telling my daughter that they should do this as a fund raiser at her school and she has scoffed at my suggestion. Doesn't it suck when you find out that your dad was right?

    I thought that sing along Sound of Music was bad...



  2. #2
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    I have to admit that I have been to the "Sing Along" version. Went last Saturday night after dinner and drinks at the pub next to the theatre. Drinks definitely (or should I say definately) help! Pierce Brosnan is not a singer- in fact it is downright scary- worse than Clint Eastwood in Cat Baloo. I only went becasue my wife invited me, and we had friends with us. Fortunately (or is it fortunitely ) it was the last show ad the theatre was almost empty. And, yes I was kilted. My wife has been 7 times now and plans a few more. But I plan to only go this once.

  3. #3
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    I don't want to seem like a wise guy, but Clint sang in Paint Your Wagon...I recommend that everybody rent that one...ya get Lee Marvin singing as well and that's worth the price of admission.

    Lee is also in Cat Ballou as the twin gunfighter brothers (also not to be missed is the sequence where he pulls himself together from his drunken misery to once again don the personna of his long lost gunfighter past...priceless!) but the singing in Cat Ballou belonged to Stubby Kaye and Nat King Cole as the two minstrels who acted as narrators.

    Did people show up in costume for the sing along or no? There's nothing like going to a Sound Of Music sing along and seeing seven or eight guys dressed as nuns...of course dressing like Pierce Brosnan wouldn't be too difficult, would it?



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I don't want to seem like a wise guy, but Clint sang in Paint Your Wagon...I recommend that everybody rent that one...ya get Lee Marvin singing as well and that's worth the price of admission.

    Lee is also in Cat Ballou as the twin gunfighter brothers (also not to be missed is the sequence where he pulls himself together from his drunken misery to once again don the personna of his long lost gunfighter past...priceless!) but the singing in Cat Ballou belonged to Stubby Kaye and Nat King Cole as the two minstrels who acted as narrators.

    Did people show up in costume for the sing along or no? There's nothing like going to a Sound Of Music sing along and seeing seven or eight guys dressed as nuns...of course dressing like Pierce Brosnan wouldn't be too difficult, would it?


    Yes, I stand corrected, thank you. Haven't seen either in a long time and the memory sometimes gets blurred.

    No costumes for Mamma Mia yet, but my wife and her buds are discussing it, watch out for when it is released on dvd. MM parties galore- get ready to run.

    BTW, I didn't think lee Marvin's singing was so bad, but like I said- blurr!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by auld argonian View Post
    I don't want to seem like a wise guy, but Clint sang in Paint Your Wagon...I recommend that everybody rent that one...ya get Lee Marvin singing as well and that's worth the price of admission.

    I remember after seeing that film as a youth trying to sing "I Was Born Under a Wandering Star" in the same key as Lee Marvin. My voice is deep, but he extended the musical scale to new low notes where nobody had gone before! I can comfortably sing Johhny Cash and Bing Crosby songs, but Lee Marvin was in a key of his own, LOL!

    You're right, it is worth the price of admission.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    I remember after seeing that film as a youth trying to sing "I Was Born Under a Wandering Star" in the same key as Lee Marvin. My voice is deep, but he extended the musical scale to new low notes where nobody had gone before! I can comfortably sing Johhny Cash and Bing Crosby songs, but Lee Marvin was in a key of his own, LOL!

    You're right, it is worth the price of admission.
    I think that when Lee hit his low note only whales could hear it...



  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sionnach View Post
    I ...worse than Clint Eastwood in Cat Baloo...
    Actually, it was Paint Your Wagon.

    (Yes, I'm watching the debate, too.)

  8. #8
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    Here's a full video version. You just need to watch from 45 seconds onwards to get the gist. Here's a short but brilliant tribute.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by robthehiker View Post
    Here's a full video version. You just need to watch from 45 seconds onwards to get the gist. Here's a short but brilliant tribute.
    The short tribute is nothing short of brilliant.



  10. #10
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    Mama Mia

    I do not know about you gents, but I LOVED the movie. Yes, it was silly, The singing was not that great, but it sure brought back memories. Having a romantic love story in that setting mad up for the drawbacks in the film.

    Now tell me, how may of you had flashbacks of those glitzy spandex outfit days during and after that film?

    I loved the way the actors had little to no makeup. and I did not think Pierce's singing was THAT terrible. Heck, at his age, with no real singing career, he did not do that bad!


    ( a hopeless romantic )

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