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  1. #1
    Join Date
    10th May 06
    1000 Islands Area of Ontario
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    A Bit of a Catch Up!!

    Thank you X-markers.

    Work has seemed to have taken up a ton of my time lately but I have been able to check X-Makes for a few minutes a few times a day. Sadly I have not had the time to respond to different threads as much as I want to. So I just wanted to take a few minutes while I have them to try to catch up:

    Congrats to all of those members who have recently acquired a new kilt! From all of the pictures they look great!

    Good job all members who have added to their highland closet by DYI-ing , a kilt, sporran or other item. The talent on this board always amazes me.

    Congrats and good luck to all members who are training and competing in heavy weight events. I am not an athlete but I respect all those who are.

    Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of far off places I may never travel to. They really brighten my day, especially when most of it is spent in a windowless office.

    To all members going through a tough time or illness my thoughts are with you.

    Welcome back members that have not been around for a while. It’s good to see you back!

    Thank you for the wonderful jokes, pieces of history and other information shared on this board. X-Marks for me is an oasis that I wish I could participate in more often!

    There I feel better …I now feel caught up too!!
    "There is one success- to be able to spend your life your own way."
    ~Christopher Morley

  2. #2
    Join Date
    24th November 06
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    Thanks, Sara, it's good to see you here, too.

    Take care,


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