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  1. #1
    TimC's Avatar
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    The Angry Scotsmen step up!

    Bear with me folks as I get through this. I tend to be a person of few words but I wanted to share what our motorcycle riding club, The Angry Scotsmen, is doing.

    I guess I should start be introducing you to my “brother” Scott.

    I met Scotty Mac (as I like to call him) about 5 years ago through one of his neighbors. I was instantly drawn to him in spite of his goofy smile, loud laugh, and that quick wit that I always seemed to be on the wrong end of. His love of a cold beer and my ability to get in trouble without even trying made us instant friends. I must say, I’ve leaned on that friendship a few times, bending his ear about the “problems” in my life. And through it all, Scotty would listen quietly and then crack a joke to help me to realize that things weren’t all that bad after all.

    Not quite 3 years ago, shortly after the birth of his third child (Dermot Mac Arthur – now there’s a proper Scottish name!) Scotty was diagnosed with liver cancer. Scotty continues to fight his battle. And through it all, he has remained positive and up lifting to others. That’s just who he is. That is why he’s my friend…and my brother.

    As you can imagine, this fight can take its toll on a person, physically, emotionally and financially. And while some of that I can’t help with, there is something I and my friends in The Angry Scotsmen Motorcycle Riding Club decided we could do. We can give. We decided to add a page to our website for Scotty to help out him and his family.


    I'm just wanted to say how proud and thankful I am of our club and all those that have thought of Scotty


  2. #2
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    Sorry to hear about you and your brother's troubled times. It's a nice thing you're doing by standing by him and doing whatever you can. Best of luck to you and yours.


  3. #3
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    My thoughts and best wishes go to him and his family. I'll journey over to check the website out.

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