View Poll Results: What is your favorite type of SCD? Reel, Strathspey, or Jig?
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22nd November 08, 01:14 PM
Reel, Jig, or Strathspey?
For those ladies and gentlemen of X Marks the Scot who enjoy Scottish Country Dancing, what is your favorite type of dance?
For myself the matter is simple, I would happily do nothing but Strathspey all through the night and into the wee hours if I could. I absolutely adore the graceful steps and the wonderful music that accompanies them.
So what about the rest of you merry SCD folks?
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
22nd November 08, 01:46 PM
Strathspey, for exactly the same reason as Jamie: the grace of it.
22nd November 08, 04:46 PM
I absolutely love a Strathspey, however it is my Achilles heel so I picked a Reel instead, my goal for this year is to get my Strathspey step up to par.
22nd November 08, 05:11 PM
I love doing Strathspeys too - though I notice that I seem to prefer the "once through" variety such as MacDonald of the Isles we did this week or Culla Bay (wonderful music) rather than the 8 times through variety like Miss Milligan's Strathspey, elegant as that is. So I think that my love for this form of dance is because it makes such a glorious - and welcome - contrast to the lively reels and vigorous jigs. It's the mixture that I really like.
Don't think I can answer your question, Jamie - I like all types in due time. I do have favourite dances but they range over all types ... Bratach Bana (Reel), Bees of Maggieknockater (Jig), Belle of Bon Accord (Strathspey) , to mention only John Drewry ones, but I am also a fan or Roy Goldring, Hugh Foss and Derek Haynes ....
22nd November 08, 05:02 PM
"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon
22nd November 08, 06:07 PM
I don't do CSD, but have been following this thread with interest.
I play the bass drum in a pipe band...often I am just keeping the beat for marching, etc. Jigs and reels are fun...but when I get to play around with the various tunes, I enjoy the strathspeys the most, for the same reason you all give--they rhythms can be so complex, subtle, and elegant.
23rd November 08, 11:01 AM
Like Andrewson, I have no preference for one rhythm more than another.
I enjoy strathspeys except when they are played too slowly -- and the trend is slower and slower, alas -- and indeed 8 times through is a bit much.
Jigs can be joyful and make you want to bounce up and down; reels can be exciting or otherwise. Hornpipes are always good -- hard work for the musicians, but they give me energy to dance through the night.
Favorite tunes? I could name some (some of the speys are really splendid);
favorite dances, likewise; favorite bands too, but favorite rhythms, no, so I have not voted. It's the variety that counts.
23rd November 08, 04:41 PM
So hard to choose... I love them all! I chose Jig because they're not as frantically fast as reels and I love the rhythm. Hornpipes are especially fun. That said, my favorite dance is a Strathspey/Reel medley, so go figure.
The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To laud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border. - Robert Burns
24th November 08, 09:39 AM
In piping, the strathspey idiom is the hardest to master(for me anyway). In dancing the sailors hornpipe is a fantastic dance to far my favourite.
24th November 08, 12:04 PM
I love Strathspeys, not only for the gracefulness of the dance, but folks are expected to interact with their eyes during the dance as well. Lots of flirt time with your partner, especially in the turns and passes. Unfortunately as a demo team member, we do a lot more quick time dances because strathspeys are not as much fun for an audience to watch. They get bored.
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