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Thread: Sporran hanger

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sporran hanger

    Made my own hangers last night out of the original belt that came with my sporran, even though it may not have the polish of store bought hangers I think I did a fairly good job for a first time attempt at it. As soon as I get home I'll have some pics to post!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yes, if you don't post pics, it never happened. Look forward to the pics.
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

    A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.

  3. #3
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    as promised...Not the best of photos nor is it very flattering towards me but it was rather late...

    I took the original belt/chain system that came with my sporran and simply cut the belt down to size, found some rivets in the garage, went to the local wally-mart found the buttons, about an hours worth of "work" and stabbing myself at least 3 different times with the needle you see (barely) the end results. Not spit and polish but it gets the job done and wont tear up/shred the kilt.
    I know I still have to do some adjusting as far as chain length goes and whether or not the hooks should be seen or not. Any suggestions as far as the hooks go?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The leather portion looks just fine. The double strand of chain looks sharp. Nice job!

    With all the hardware meeting right in the middle though it looks a little busy. Nothing wrong with showing a little "bling" right there but between the buttons, rivets, triangles, trigger snaps and chain there's quite a bit. I'd suggest drilling out the rivets and choosing between the trigger snaps or the triangles. If you go with the trigger snaps, flip them around and rivet them to the leather and hook your chain to them.

    You may even find that you don't need the chain at all. That sporran may not have come with a Sporran Dee on the back to hook the clips to but if you have any leather left over from the strap you can make one very easy with a couple of rivets and D-rings than just hook onto those directly. It may put your sporran at just the right location below the belt.

    Great job!

  5. #5
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    Thanks for the kudos on the chain, I hadnt seen any like that so I figured why not. I agree it does look a bit busy with all the metal there, I was concerned about that. I'll redo the snaps, without the triangles and I think I may have an extra length of leather in the shed I can make a tad bit larger Dee for the chains. Quick question though, approx. how low is a sporran to hang below the belt? 1 inch? 2 inches? 3 inches? or is it a matter of how it feels to the wearer? oh and the hangers will be moved in more to the center, closer to the belt loops/buckle, I spread em out further due to the length of chain I had at the time.

  6. #6
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    Sporran height is a personal preference, but a general guide is about 3 or 4 fingers below the buckle, some say a hand width. I tend to wear mine on the higher side with my criteria being low enough not to scuff on the buckle when I sit and high enough not to bounce on my thighs when I walk with the priority given to walking since when sitting I can just slide the sporran to the hip or remove it.

    The other reason I go on the high side is because through the day the sporran will tend to end up a bit lower than when it was first put on. Starting high helps it not end up hitting my knees

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ok, you know we will. Not sure when we could get away though. This weekend brings the infamous Xmas shopping. And my parents are helping to get us a new matress so we are indebted to go looking for what we want. The upside is we are getting our new Behold phones this weekend. (Merry Christmas to us! )

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Hangers reduex...

    A Happy new Years to all xmarkers out there!
    Be safe and have fun!
    Got a 4 day weekend coming up!
    Found some square (ok rectangle) "d" rings, was thinking of using them with the dual chain idea I had, maybe do a lite soldering to keep the chains inthe corners? super glue? gorilla glue? 200 MPH tape????...lol...I'll think something up, but was also going to redo the leather hangers themselves found some nice soft pliable leather and some colored snaps instead of the rivets i used last time. As soon as I get things squared away and pics snapped they'll be posted!!!

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