11th December 08, 02:12 PM
4 down, 1 to go!
I love anthropology. I love Beloit College. But finals are a killer!!! It's the home stretch (I go back home on Tuesday night) I've written a total of 113 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point, double spaced) over the past week, and I still have one more paper to write. See, anthropology classes don't have tests. You do a project all semester and write about it at the end. Oh, and you read other ethnographies all semester too. So now I've be locked in my room all week, cranking out one paper after another.
I know it sounds contradictory, but I think it's time to take a mental health break and play some bagpipes! And if you could all do me a favor and send my your extra brain-waves, that would be much appreciated too.
11th December 08, 02:19 PM
I just finished finals... it was such a relief to allow myself to have my practice chanter back. Especially with the Christmas parade on Saturday.
Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
“KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce
11th December 08, 02:35 PM
Light relief perhaps -
An Irishman, and Englishman and a Scot were walking along a beach and came across a lantern and a Genie pops out.
"I'll give you each a wish" he said.
The Irishman said "I'm a fisherman, and all the generations before me were fishermen. I want the oceans full of fish for eternity. "Poof" and the oceans were teaming with fish.
The Englishman was amazed so he said "I want a huge wall, all around England". "Poof" and the wall appeared.
The Scot asked, "I'm curious. Tell me about the wall". The Genie replied "It's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick and protects England so nothing can get in or out".
The Scot hesitates, then says.............................................. ...
"Ach, fill it up with water"
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
11th December 08, 02:59 PM
Life gets better after finals.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
11th December 08, 08:32 PM
Youth & Enthusiasm are no match for Age & Treachery
11th December 08, 03:15 PM
Good luck Greg, you'll make it.
Say, do y'all have an ethnomusicolgy sequence? You could be abused in both disciplines at once, and get your brain doubly fried. Actually, I took 2 quarters of it back in the dark ages, and it was highly enjoyable.
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
gainfully unemployed systems programmer
11th December 08, 03:20 PM
This time of day I have no brain waves - strictly flatline. If that would be helpful, I'll send it to you.
Animo non astutia
11th December 08, 08:29 PM
Good luck Beloit, my son is just finishing up his fall semester. It always feels better the day after finals than the day before.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
13th December 08, 02:08 AM
I just finished my finals.
Eng 470 Teaching Writing A
Theatre 360 Creative Dramatics A
Lib 311 Library Information A (Viewing a Wider World Requirement)
Comm 384 Interpersonal Communication B
Comm was a b*&^%! I busted my backside but didn't pull off the A, most of the class didn't, bloody hard.
Next Semester I have:
Math 211 Math Appreciation
Comm 376 Communication and Culture
English 252 American Lit II
Reading 414 Reading Practicum
Sped 480 Secondary Methods
Five classes, three days, tuesday is going to be epic, class from 1020 until 715 pm with an hour lunch break. All of these classes are required for my degree. Two more semesters and one summer session then a semester of student teaching and I am graduating! WOOOOOOOO.
13th December 08, 10:25 AM
This semester was all anthropology for me:
375 Consumption and Culture
380 Senior Seminar
200 Tech and Theory of Anthropology
210 Tech and Theory of Archaeology
250 Society and Culture
It was a tough year, but I loved it. I'm almost done with my ethnography, and might actually finish it early!
Next semester is my last, and the classes won't be too hard, but I am fearing Human Osteology. As my adviser told me, "There's two difficult classes at Beloit College: Genetics...and Osteology." Eek.
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