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  1. #1
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    A rash of comments and replies

    I seldom get very many comments about wearing a kilt accept for the occasional positive comment. It may be due to my age (62) or that I wear a kilt as my daily attire and go about my business without much thought that I'm wearing a kilt.

    However, yesterday and today were different. Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room of my orthopedic surgeon, my lower back killing me, and filling out paperwork that seemed like I was doing a rewrite of the Magna Carta. There were about 10 other people in the room. I was not in the best of moods to say the least.

    Suddenly, a woman setting directly diagonal to me says quite loudly, "A man wearing a skirt." I looked her straight in the eye's and said, "Actually it's a kilt, and the regiments from Scotland, Canada, and Australia that wore them on the field of battle in the world wars are why you can make that remark in English." Then a woman setting 2 rows up says "That brings up the question of what you're wearing underneath." I said to her, "It's a matter of personal choice, but I prefer Spiderman and Batman underwear." Then a man directly behind her said, "It must be cold wearing that thing this time of year." I replied, "This thing is 8 linear yards of 16 oz. wool, so when it's wrapped around me giving double and triple thickness, it's actually quite a bit warmer than the pants that you and the women are wearing."

    Well, things were pretty much quiet after all that. I finished my rewrite of the Magna Carte, and was led to an exam room by a very attractive nurse. She said that she really liked my kilt, I thanked her and told her that I wore one everyday. She thought that was great. That got me out of my "Grumpy Old Man" mood.

    Then we move forward to today. I'm leaving the clinic after physical therapy feeling like a steam roller just ran over my back, and a woman coming into the clinic says "You must be freezing!" I was civil and simply said, "Actually I'm quite warm."

    Last edited by NewKilt; 19th December 08 at 07:09 PM. Reason: correction on kilt yardage

  2. #2
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    Well, it looks like you fielded the questions and comments quite well!

    I often go into stores/shops "with a purpose", so to speak. Meaning, I zip in, get what I need and zip out. I think this often prevents people from asking questions or making comments. Or I'll just ignore them altogether. I have a pretty good amount of hearing loss therefore, I have an excuse!


  3. #3
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    I ran into something similar the other day. At my unit, when someone retires, PCS's or just leaves, we usually have a luncheon in their honor. A buddy of mine ETS'd recently so we had his lunch at a local buffet (The Wood Grill). It just so happened to be casual Friday at work, and another buddy of mine and I were kilted.

    As I was walking back to my seat with a full plate, I heard a whistle. I looked around but couldn't see who did it. After a while, a lady dressed in a nurse's uniform came to our table and asked if we could settle a dispute between her and her nurse friends at the table. My buddy and I obliged, knowing what the dispute was. Of course it was "The Question". We explained that it was commonly referred to as going "Regimental" and that we both most asurredly were regimental.

    They giggled and told us that we looked very nice, and we thanked them. Then I asked if one of them whistled at me earlier. Oh yes, it was them and they were proud of it.

    I love wearing my kilt.

  4. #4
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    Well done.

    (You had to use the word 'rash', didn't you.)

  5. #5
    NewKilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Daw View Post
    Well done.

    (You had to use the word 'rash', didn't you.)

    LOL. I was just reading your Doctor, Doctor, Prescription thread. Sorry for the reminder, Jack.

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