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  1. #1
    Join Date
    23rd August 06
    Closest major city - Saint Louis, MO
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    Sgian Dubh Presentation Box

    Today I finished and shipped out my latest project, a sgian dubh presentation box.

    The main wood used in this box is reclaimed white oak from an old house my brother and I dismantled on the family farm. I try to keep some of the old nail holes intact in the finished piece - you can see them in the sides and the lid in this case.

    The black wood is also reclaimed, in a manner of speaking. It is bog oak. The bog oak I used in this particular piece comes from Londinium, or modern-day London. It can from old piers built by the Romans; when the Thames shifted course, the piers ended up buried in a bog-like substance that caused a similar reaction (complete preservation of the integrity of the wood and a chemical reaction with the tanic acid in the oak that turned it to a rich black color).

    Bog oak is hard to come by, and the cost to ship it over from the UK is heart-wrenching, so I use it sparingly and I save every scrap over an inch long.

    This is the first box I've made with the tartan lining. I was able to get some Universal tartan swatches from Kathy Lare at a reasonable price, but in this case, the client had some of his family tartan (Ross), so I used that, instead.

    The finish is several coats of shellac, rubbed out with Renaissance wax.

    I'm terribly pleased with the final result, though I was on a bit of a time-crunch and so I couldn't do as many embellishments as I wanted, like a bit of bog oak inlaid into the lid. Still, with the limited shop time available to me at this time of year, I'm happy with what I was able to make.

    This presentation box will be for a Rab Gordon sgian dubh, by the way, which makes this my third Rab Gordon sgian dubh presentation box.

    (Oh, the client only gave me the dimensions I would need to work with for the box; the sgian dubh in the second picture is actually my personal Rab Gordon sgian dubh. For anyone interested, the background tartan is Ancient Campbell.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    28th March 07
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    Nice work ! Well done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    15th April 07
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    That does look nice. I like the two tone effect of the bog oak.
    Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker

    A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    16th September 08
    Normandy (France)
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    Very nice and marvellous work !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    10th December 06
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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    Very nicely done, and a wonderful touch using Bog Oak, I'm sure you're client will treasure the box as much as what will be inside.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    8th January 08
    The Bayou City - Houston, TX
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    eHiker, that's a handsome box. Very impressive!

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