4th January 09, 10:54 PM
Help name my beaver
And now for something completely different... (And very random).
Here's a picture of my new pet beaver (Castor canadensis). He (she) sits on my desk at work because my (Japanese) students forget all too often that I AM Canadian. The stereotype in this country is that all Caucasians come from the U.S.A. and as much as I like the rabble down South, I'm not one of them.
So, anyone have any good suggestions on what I can name my pet? The name will also determine if it's a he-beaver or a she-beaver... Either is acceptable.
Your indulgence in my silliness is much appreciated! 

4th January 09, 11:11 PM
To kick this one off:
Beverly the Beaver
Why/ I can just hear your Japanese students saying "Beevorlly the Bayvoor" can't you?
Hamish The Beaver (of course you could't afford the 97 kilt closet)
Jamie The Beaver (Ditto the natty togs)
Mac Burdo the Beaver
Best for last:
Pleater the Beaver (of course she would need a tartan jacket and matching bonnet)
4th January 09, 11:22 PM
Lol! Good ones, Brooster. "Beverly" would be just brutal. Japanese students have a very hard time not only with "r" and "l" but "v" is nearly impossible for them to say correctly without considerable practice. "The" always comes out as "za".
So, it would probably come out as: Bebarooree za beebaa.
Now, there IS a Japanese female name: Ruri (pronounced Rooree)... It's quite rare and I've only heard it spoken a couple times in the 6 years I've lived here.
I'm not sure if I have quite that much schadenfreude in me to give the poor animal an unpronounceable name... But it does make me chuckle to think about it!
5th January 09, 04:01 AM
I seem to remember, way back,(maybe 50s) that there was a cartoon character called "Buckey Beaver".
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
5th January 09, 04:36 AM
Take your pick - June, Ward, Wally or Theodore. 
17th January 09, 06:18 AM
 Originally Posted by southern breeze
take your pick - june, ward, wally or theodore. :d:d
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
5th January 09, 10:38 AM
Bucky Beaver was the spokesbeaver for IPANA toothpaste.
Gawd, but I'm getting old! lol
6th January 09, 10:48 PM
5th January 09, 04:40 AM
How about
or perhaps
for those that don't know they were all Prime Ministers of Canada, I was going to say Bucky but Jerry beat me to it.
You could always do a hybrid ie
16th January 09, 04:53 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
How about
or perhaps
for those that don't know they were all Prime Ministers of Canada, I was going to say Bucky but Jerry beat me to it.
You could always do a hybrid ie
Why not? We've got the Diefenbunker here in Carp, why not the Diefenbeaver in Japan
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