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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th June 07
    Hoschton, GA
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    Another Kiltmaker?

    In glancing through Ebay, I came across a kiltmaker by the name of Fraser Borland from just outside of Glasgow Scotland. His prices seem very reasonable but he lists the fabric as being "woollen twill." I'm not sure what that is. He claims to make his kilts out of 16oz material but in reading his feedback there does seem to be some question about the weight of his kilts. He also claims all of his feedback is positive,
    "The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
    Ken Burns

  2. #2
    Join Date
    12th October 07
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    Conventional woolen kilt material is twill. See any conventional dictionary for a definition of "twill".
    "No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken

  3. #3
    Join Date
    14th March 06
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    I ordered one of his kilts on Ebay and was disappointed. First, there was confusion as to the pricing. The wording in the ad wasn't as straightforward it as could have been. Then, it was advertised as 16 oz, but if so, is the lightest 16 oz I have ever seen. Though advertized as 8 yards, I measured it and found it to contain just over 6 yards of material. The selvedge is not at all even either.

    A kiltmaker who advertises and posts here may remember it as the kilt in clergy tartan that I wore and showed to him at last October's (2008) Stone Mountain highland games. He doubted that it was 100% wool.

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