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  1. #1
    Join Date
    15th March 07
    Gilbert, Arizona
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    Tempe AZ "Practice Pub Crawl" Jan 31st

    It's definitely been a while since the Sonoran Scotsmen have had a kilt event.

    I don't believe we've had a kilt event since the December 6th Kilted
    Charity Event actually. We're still 3 weeks away from our next event
    which is the Arizona Highland games on the 21st and 22nd of
    February. The evening of the 21st we are having a kilt night after
    the highland games at D'Arcy McGees. After that we've got our huge
    annual pub crawl on Tuesday March 17th, St. Patrick's day (lots more
    information coming on this soon).

    So, we will be having a Practice Pub Crawl this Saturday at the
    Tempe Marketplace. What's a practice pub crawl you ask? Well let me
    enlighten you.

    First off, we start at D'Arcy McGee's in the Tempe Marketplace and gather between 8:00pm and 9:00pm. Then at 9:00 pm (not 9:05, or 8:55) we will leave D'Arcy McGee's and walk over to San Felipes for a drink or two. Then we will leave San Felipes and head across the path to Dave and Busters
    for a pint. After our pint at Dave and Busters, we will leave and
    head down the way to a Maria Maria and have some drinks. After we're
    done at Maria Maria, we walk across to The Keg to have one last
    drink before we head back and finish our evening at D'Arcy McGee's

    For those of you who have never joined us on our St. Patrick's day
    pub crawl this will give you a "little" insight as to what to expect
    on our 10th Anniversary pub crawl on March 17th this year. (If you
    haven't requested time off for this, do so now)

    So dust off your kilts, grab your sporrans, and hold on as we kick
    off our first kilt event of 2009. We will dominate the Tempe
    Marketplace with our presence.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th March 07
    Gilbert, Arizona
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    I thought I'd bump this at least once, since nobody responded to my initial posting of this.

    We've got a good crew already going, and I'd love to see any more of you that want to join us.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    28th August 08
    Peoria, Arizona
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    Ayin, sorry I cannot join you- cash short at this time and two events at home coming up- son's birthday and St. Valentine's day. I am sure it will be a blast.

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