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  1. #1
    Join Date
    24th August 05
    TUSCON AZ south of PHENIX :)
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    Estrella War XXV

    its that time of year again!
    Estrella war!!
    any of the arizona rabble going this year? the Missus and I are going from Thurs. till Mon. since its the 25th year it should be a good one! Ialready have the skinny on some of the parties going on, and I am piping the Aten war host on the field.

    let me know so we can meet up!

    for those who may not know


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of3MLoryh9A ( theres some explicit language near the end fyi)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxk66hooEFo (drum circles are ALWAYS fun!!)
    Last edited by Kiltedfirepiper; 4th February 09 at 09:30 AM. Reason: add estrella website
    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    15th March 07
    Gilbert, Arizona
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    It's not looking good for me

    I haven't missed an Estrella war in 10 years, but I'm 90% sure that I won't be making it this year. If I do end up making it, I will be camped with the Barony of Twin Moons.

    What land will you be camped on if KFP? Just incase something works out, I'll stop by for a pint or two. (hopefully it's not raining this year)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th August 05
    TUSCON AZ south of PHENIX :)
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    we'll be about midway in the row we were in last year ( just opposite to the north of Kegs End. how lucky is THAT!) its basicly dead center of the row just south of one of the main east west roads
    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

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