4th February 09, 09:30 AM
Hmmm, what to do...
Well, recently I ordered a Wallace kilt jacket off the web, so I was expecting a package in the mail. This morning my wife brings in a box from Scotland and I open it with glee and to my great surprise there is an entire kilt package inside! Argyll jacket, beautiful dark green kilt, seal skin formal sporran, sgian dubh, ghillies, hose....the works! Hmmmm, what to do...what to do. 
Seriously though, I am trying to contact the intended receiver; but a few other options crossed my mind for a moment! Package, what package?
So what would you do?
4th February 09, 09:40 AM
Ah, the great conumdrum! Does the kilt fit? 
I had a similar thing happen a few years ago. I ordered a black Argyle jacket from Scotland. I received it in short order, then a few days later another one arrived! I contacted the company and ended up sending it back to them, but I asked that they refund me the cost of shipping.
4th February 09, 09:55 AM
A gentleman is honest, therefore he returns the goods.
Anyone who would keep the goods is nothing more than a common, opportunistic, thief.
4th February 09, 04:56 PM
 Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown
A gentleman is honest, therefore he returns the goods.
My mother was from Virginia, too. She frequently started sentences, "A gentleman always....." or "A gentleman would never......." Thanks for evoking that memory.
Animo non astutia
4th February 09, 09:57 AM
Just don't let the PETA folks find out you got that sealskin sporran. Or the . . . whoever the authorities are that care about such things. They're illegal in the US.
Funny, isn't it? Crime, runaway federal spending and pork barrell politics, tax-dodging would-be rulers, and someone is worried that a shop in California might have a seal skin sporran. 
Nice of you to be honest enough to forward the package to its rightful owner. Just be careful about the you-know-what sporran. Don't want to get the sporran police after you.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
4th February 09, 10:13 AM
I'd pass it along to the proper owner asap. I am an honest bloke.
I still am harboring guilt over the time I'd forgotten to pay for a packet of yeast when I was 8 and wanted to make homemade bread....
4th February 09, 11:01 AM
Something tells me that there will soon be a post that says something a kin to..."Hey, I JUST ordered an entire kilt package... Argyll jacket, beautiful dark green kilt, seal skin formal sporran, sgian dubh, ghillies, hose....the works! And it NEVER showed up--I contacted the supplier and he said they sent it already!"
Ya' send it back, Brother and wish the owner well. If it were me, I'd add a note about how I received the package, congratulate him on his purchase and sense of taste, and add contact information about Xmarks. Could be a future rabble member--if he isn't already.
4th February 09, 11:04 AM
I've heard it said that "Advice is what you ask for when you already know the answer, but don't like it."
[SIZE="2"][B]From the Heart of Midlothian...Texas, that is![/B][/SIZE]
4th February 09, 11:06 AM
I would of course return it to the shop, perhaps you should get in touch with the shop and let them know what happened. I'd wager a guess that they will send out the proper package straight away.
4th February 09, 11:25 AM
Yep, I am too honest a person, I'd call the shop and tell them what happened and see if they would have you ship it to the right person (either reimburse you or give you a gift certificate to cover ). And then see if they shipped yours to someone else lol.
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