26th April 09, 04:40 PM
uninvited guests
I am moving and have had to do the move myself with the assistance of some friends to save on $$$$. Over the last few weekends we would move a little each time. This weekend was supposed to be the last move. However some uninvited guests delayed that a little bit.

Ever since I got attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets while at the top of a 40 ft ladder, I have had a rather severe phobia regarding bees/wasps etc. When we entered the house to start the last bit of cleaning we didn't notice these bad boys. Once I did though, yikes, it took everything I had not to run screaming like a little girl. Gawd, I hate these. I like the honey, but not the manufacturers.
26th April 09, 04:42 PM
I feel your pain, having been stung in the face by the little monsters.
Good Luck!
26th April 09, 04:44 PM
All those disappearing bees people keep talking about? I think you found them.
26th April 09, 05:05 PM

 Originally Posted by KFCarter
All those disappearing bees people keep talking about? I think you found them.
agreed. what ever you do don't try to shoe them away!
26th April 09, 04:48 PM
Geez Louise that quite a few uninvited guests... I hope all is well with you and them buggers.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson
26th April 09, 04:51 PM
Do you have beekeepers in Tucson?
I think my heart pounding would be enough to wake them and make them swarm. Good luck!
26th April 09, 04:52 PM
Wow, that is a great hive. You should call a bee keeper, there is sure to be a queen bee as they swarm with the queen bee when they move or split the hive.
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
26th April 09, 06:35 PM
 Originally Posted by ChattanCat
Wow, that is a great hive. You should call a bee keeper, there is sure to be a queen bee as they swarm with the queen bee when they move or split the hive.
Yep, call a bee keeper.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
26th April 09, 05:33 PM
That is not cool dude. I would have ran away like my hair was on fire. Not cool.
"Blood is the price of victory"
- Karl von Clausewitz
26th April 09, 05:38 PM
Think.....Bee Spray. We live across from an orchard. The bees are every where. Nesting in my truck, my wife's car and the mailbox. We also have a holly tree that attractrs bees. For the past several summers, the tree is alive with bees. Cant even enjoy the back yard. I have talked to bee people and they want to set up hives in my back yard. Yeah.....thats all I need, More bees. Die bees, Die.
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