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  1. #1
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    How long is your "list"

    So as I continue to shrink, I'm losing my kilts as they stop fitting. It doesn't make sense to replace them because I'm changing shape quickly... a good problem to have I guess except that I can't fit into any shirts either due to expanding chest/neck/shoulders, which means that my clothing budget can't be saved for kilts in the immediate term.

    Don't worry, they'll go up in the for sale area once I can replace them to help finance new kilt purchases. The problem is that I hate pa&%s now and am forced into them full time.

    So I jones. And I come here to live vicariously off of all of you. Riverkilt's Joy of Kilting & the How much $$ threads got me thinking. One of the side effects of being here is that I've started keeping a list of what kilts and clothing I'm going to buy once I get the last 20lbs off. It helps stave off the jones a little bit, I guess. I'm working out the order that I'm going to get things in now as the end is near (2-3 more months after a year and a half of work.)

    I've bought 3 kilts, a jacket & waistcoat and a wyvernleatherworks sporran in my mind and am trying to work out which order to buy them in. If you're wondering they're a traditional Scott B&W, Freedomkilts Cargo model & an Alphakilts Aberdeen with the possibility of a USA Kilts Farquharson. All to go with my current Farquharson tank which I'm just 2" short of fitting into.

    So help me stave off the jones. How long is your list? Do you just think one kilt ahead? Do you order on impusle? Are you satisfied (yeah, right, pull the other one)? Do you plan a year in advance?

  2. #2
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    Well, after my last ordering experience, I think I am a little more impulsive. For a while, a few years at least, I only had a Utilikilt. Then I started looking at a tartan one. I spent a few months looking around and finally ordered a SWK Standard in Mackenzie. After about a month, I got a bit of a jones for something new. I was a little torn between a Black Stewart and Black Watch, as well as another Standard or the new Economy. I ended up getting both, as well as some hangers, a kilt pin, a hat and some hose. Right now, I am doing fine. The next kilt I get will be in the Hunter Tartan, and I am just deciding if I should go with a Casual or Semi Traditional from USA Kilts. I am, however, looking more at accessories, because I am woefully short on them. I want some more hose and flashes to match my kilts, as well as a nicer pair of shoes to wear with them. I don't think I am going to be one of those guys who goes nuts and has 50 or 60 kilts (and there is nothing wrong with that...I just don't think it is me.) I feel like I will probably have 15 or so and be satisfied.


    Good luck to you with the shrinking. I hope it suits you well and you can get back into a kilt in no time.

  3. #3
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Stillwater Standard and/or thrifty in anything for bumming around the house
    Murphy/Tara (Due to hamishes photo)
    Warrior USAK
    Irish National
    Something with blue
    and so on and so on

    But I do have impulse buys. I was just looking around USAK site and bought a sgian dubh out of impulse. Hoses and flashes are impulse for me too.

  4. #4
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    I'm at least three kilts ahead, but my priorities keep shifting. I won't know what's next for sure until I pull the trigger on it.

    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  5. #5
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    Only two on my list right now... mac Lean of Duart Hunting, and Ferguson Ancient. Maybe a Stewart Black... But I just dropped a grand on scuba lessons and gear (and a shiny new straight razor mmmm), so I'll have to wait before ordering a new kilt. My fiancée is getting on to me for how expensive all my hobbies are ;)

    I went from 0-3 kilts between mid-March and mid-April, though... so I think a break's in order. Sold my SportKilt to Kilt Newbie as it didn't really suit me... the others are an Heritage of Ireland P/V, and a woolie Ferguson Mod. I'm already finding that I like the wool MUCH better than the P/V, though, so I think I'm going that route from now on.

  6. #6
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    My jones runs along the lines of "When am I going to find the time to work on handsewn #4/handsewn #5/Hamish's kilt/handsewn #7/converting that 5-yd that doesn't fit to a box pleat/that kilt for my brother/my next kilt after that/converting the Harris Tweed jacket/converting that other jacket/et cetera et cetera."
    The first three I have listed above are done; handsewn #7 is at the "applying the canvas stage." I hope to have it done before June. Yes, June - four weeks for canvas, lining, waistband, straps, and pressing. After that - I'll see what time I have available.

  7. #7
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    I was on a family trip to Scotland summer after high school when I got my first kilt (Black Stewart). As I've noticed it getting snugger (lots of growth between 17 and 23) I've started jonesing for a serious replacement. I want a real tank in Young tartan (mother's family has all the Scots) and want it now. Alas, I am a business grad student, so I am poor and can't afford impulse. My first paycheck after graduation in December will be the kickoff for kilted adventure. I swear it. Additionally, my fantasy list would include an Argyle and Sutherland MoD tank with a badger head sporran to boot.
    I mean if you are going to get a dress sporran, get a badger right?

  8. #8
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    Leatheren, what are your thoughts on p/v? I'm not a huge fan of manmade fabrics and much prefer wool/cotton/linen in clothing, so I'm a bit wary of ordering a P/V kilt. 0-3 in a month. Hmmm. It took me two years to go 1-3. Of course that'll only go slower now because I'm more inclined to go the custom route now. At least I'm close to fitting in my tank again, though it's 92 degrees here today so the thought of putting on all that wool right now.

    Yodlan, thanks for the good wishes. It's hard work, harder and slower than I thought when I started though I'm glad that I'm doing it. Now I don't wonder why most people don't do it. It's a continual excercise in learning patience.

    Wompet, I understand that jones too. I have a couple of jacket conversions I want to try but right now I've got a long commute and a 2mo old daughter that take up all of my time. Maybe in the fall I can try them out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The kilt list stands at 4:

    The Anderson Modern is at the kilt maker and should get started around the end of the week.

    The X Marks fabric is also at the kilt maker, but it's lower priority, maybe June or July or even August.

    The next two are an Anderson Ancient and a Polaris Military, but I don't know right now which one I'll order first.

    Besides the kilts I need to find an inexpensive tweed jacket I can have converted and possibly an Argyll in blue with the plain sleeves for a less formal look than I have now.

    After that, who knows? It's not made any easier when the wife says I already have too many kilts with the 3 I have in my closet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I make all my kilts now, and I've got material for three more beyond the one I'm working on currently. I might bang out one more camo kilt. Maybe. And one for Piper George and that's IT.


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