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Thread: IP Telephony

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    IP Telephony

    After getting tired of paying long distance shortfall charges by Verizon, and paying more for service than I thought was fair, I finally switched to IP telephony. I've been pretty pleased with my carrier,Viatalk. I read about it in a recent PcWorld article.

    My plan costs about 15/mo, less if I chose to pre-pay for longer than 6 months. I get voicemail,caller id, plus some cool routing features. Voicemails can be emailed to you.
    If I get calls cold calls, I can block the number from calling me again. This is really a benefit b/c I continue to get calls from collection agencies looking for the person who had my phone number before me. Rather than try to explain to them I'm not that guy, I just block the numbers.
    I've customized ringtones for family so I know whether to grab the phone if I'm busy doing something else. You can forward calls to your cell phone, or have a call ring on both phones. You can automatically send calls to voicemail if kids are napping, or you just need quiet time. You can record phone calls.
    If my cable internet is out of service, I've configured it to automatically route calls to my cellphone. There's just a lot of neat features for the price.
    It was easy to hook it up for the whole house.

    If you've got high speed internet and have been thinking about IP telephony I can recommend it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Topic removed.
    Last edited by Lady M; 13th July 09 at 04:01 PM.


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